GameOfLightAndShadows / SmarTac

tactical role playing game functional reactive framework
MIT License
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Implement the character level up system manager #89

Open Kavignon opened 7 years ago

Kavignon commented 7 years ago

The level up system makes sure that a character has at least a single level up point otherwise the character won't be available for the process. In the dynamic prototype, this would be shown as a grayed out character for instance. Otherwise, if a character has enough points, then it's up to the player to decide which stats will receive the point to make the character better.

Kavignon commented 7 years ago

So, the level system will work in collaboration with the experience system. Once enough points of experience are accumulated, the experience system will then update the character's state with 1 level up point. Level up points can be use to increase the following stats

The stats will improve by a factor inside the range of 5 to 15% depending on which stats will be selected. Once the point is attributed, it can't be undone; the change is permanent. Only then will the team party manager and the game manager be notified of the changes by the player.

Kavignon commented 7 years ago

This being an enhancement to the prototype and not a pre-requisite when I was designing the project in September, this will be done in the end if there is any time left before the project's presentation of the 9th. Otherwise, this will be implemented in a new development cycle.