GameOfLightAndShadows / SmarTac

tactical role playing game functional reactive framework
MIT License
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Add new learning factors #91

Open Kavignon opened 7 years ago

Kavignon commented 7 years ago

The priority is to define two new learning factors for the enhanced version of the advanced brain. One will enable it to see whether or not the member's decision was good for the whole team or if the actions selected put the team's survival in jeopardy. The other required factor will be to see, while testing and exploring, if it's better to converge as a whole on a few targets at the same time or if it's better to go and attack the target that has a tactical disadvantage against us.

Kavignon commented 7 years ago

The optional learning factor will depend on how long the spike turns out to be and if there's enough time before handing in the prototype. The last factor for learning will enable the brain to make safe and tactical decision while attacking the human's party. Even though a target might be given at the beginning, it may be required to change our target in-between even if it isn't eliminated.

The reason behind this is, even though a character might have a tactical advantage over one character, against more than one, the chance of survival becomes slim. A character must then be able to "think" and assess a situation. Maybe there's a target that is isolated and be attacked instead of a dangerous target that has his team members for backup. The heat map will enable the brain to make efficient decision towards where to send next a unit.