GameServerManagers / LinuxGSM

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[FEATURE REQUEST] Separate variables for deleting log types #2304

Open BlackYuzia opened 5 years ago

BlackYuzia commented 5 years ago

User Story

As a server admin I want to be able to customise the delete days for each log type.

There is example: image All older logs as 7(-9) days was deleted.

Basic info

Further Information

currently logdays=7 is the only option that deleted all logs at 7 days. However, I would like the logs to delete different days depending upon my requirement. I would also like to have a custom log array to add custom logs for the server.


console_logdays="7" // `../LGSMFOLDER/logs/` 
server_logdays="30" // `../csgo/logs/` 
sm_logdays="50" // `../csgo/addons/sourcemod/logs/`
custom_logdays="365" // log days for CUSTOM folders
custom_logfolders_array=(../csgo/addons/sourcemod/logs/admins/ ../csgo/addons/sourcemod/logs/WCS/ ../csgo/addons/sourcemod/logs/admins/)** // setup custom folders in to array. 
// Can used with ``Server Specific Directories`` example:
// `${systemdir}/addons/sourcemod/logs/kruzyapidor/`

To Reproduce

Steps to reproduce the behaviour:

  1. Setup server CSGO;
  2. Add logdays="X" to config for delete older logs or use default value;
  3. Wait X days;
  4. Get delete all older logs as X days.

Expected behaviour

I think that can help us (server owners) to easy setup logging. Because I don't know what LGSM delete ALL logs :c ( I think other (maybe?) don't know this too)

dgibbs64 commented 5 years ago

This is a really good feature request. There is no bug as logdays is meant to delete all log files at X days. However, separating them out is a good idea.

Also allowing the user to customise add there own log directories to delete is a good idea (buit should be a separate issue).

I have reworded your issue to summaries the feature request. Thanks for this

BlackYuzia commented 3 years ago

hello @dgibbs64, any changes about that issue?

I mean, could we get any version of requested feature?

This could be a pure feature like:

johnoclockdk commented 3 years ago

i will maybe have a go at this no promises