GameServerManagers / LinuxGSM

The command-line tool for quick, simple deployment and management of Linux dedicated game servers.
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[Server Request] Arma 2 Operation Arrowhead #926

Open SaturnsVoid opened 8 years ago

SaturnsVoid commented 8 years ago

igeighty commented 7 years ago

there is no arma 2 linux distro available via steamcmd, i had to manually install

you 'can' use steamcmd to install the arma2 game files.... but you need to install the dedicated server binary manually.

have a read here,,,

FliesWithWind commented 7 years ago

I'm actually using lgsm with Arma 2. I modified the A3 version a bit to fit arma2 fiels and installed arma2 game files manually.

dgibbs64 commented 7 years ago

It's worth submitting your work to the development branch. If possible to get the installer working.

FliesWithWind commented 7 years ago

It will require some polishing, so hopefully if I'll find some time to do that this month, I'll try to submit it. Maybe I'll get the installer working as well...

UltimateByte commented 7 years ago

@FliesWithWind If you don't have much time, you can just send it as it is, and we'll figure this out.

FliesWithWind commented 7 years ago

Well I took a look at it today, and here is what I have so far. Here you'll find the arma2server I've made by editing arma3server

It allows to start, restart and stop the server.

When it comes to installation it's a bit tricky. At first we need to get Arma 2 and Arma 2 CO files for Windows using steamcmd. This can be done by using "@sSteamCmdForcePlatformType windows", but if I'm not mistaken this can be only used with txt script file. So this installation will be a bit different comparing to other game server files.

Installation tutorial posted here by igeighty could be ideal for instalation script.

  1. Get the server files using update-arma-2.txt and steamcmd.
  2. Wget and extract arma2oa linux server binary from here (wget
  3. Remove unnecessary files.
  4. Run "install" script from a2oa-server-1.63.130836.tar.bz2, which converts all file names to lowercase.

Hope what I wrote is more or less clear, it shouldn't be hard to create this install script.

One more thing about arma 2 oa is that all server files need to be in lowercase, so after uploading some mission files to mpmission folder, user needs to run "install" script. I would suggest to add this "install" script as a fix which ich launched before server start.

I hope with this we could add Arma 2 OA to lgsm, I wish I could help you more but I don't know how lgsm exactly operates and my bash skills are not that great. :) Anyhow I will try to help as much as I can. ;)

Arcanum417 commented 7 years ago

Bump... I would really like support for this pls

hurdad commented 7 years ago

I can manually create a bundle outside of steam and integrate that into lgsm

Marcin648 commented 1 year ago

As a fan of Arma series, I tried to implement older Arma game servers in LGSM multiple times. No success :/ Some information about how installation Arma2 servers on Linux should look like:

  1. Official Arma2 DS Steam repo is only for windows.
  2. .. but Official Linux binaries are available on Bohemia Interactive forum.
  3. This is only server binary. Is still need to copy game data from game.
  4. Game data are not working out of the box on linux, renaming all files to lowercase is needed.
  5. Arma 2 Operation Arrowhead is DLC for Arma 2, so game data of two of these games is preferred. (A2:OA can working standalone, but it's rare, impractical)

So process should looks like this:

  1. Download Linux binary and extract it
  2. Download Arma 2 Content depot, using SteamCMD download_depot 33901 command with forced windows platform @sSteamCmdForcePlatformType windows
  3. Download Arma 2 Operation Arrowhead Content depot, using SteamCMD download_depot 33931 command with forced windows platform @sSteamCmdForcePlatformType windows
  4. Rename all content files to lowercase
  5. 4 broke steam update :<

In my opinion, it's too much to clean implement it in LinuxGSM. But only server binary, with fix to automatically rename the content to lowercase it's a option.