As a user I want to quickly create a new tactic within the room.
[x] Have a button in the top right hand corner with a custom tactic icon. This button will be between the Save button and the Room Settings button
[x] Remove the New Tactic option from the Room Settings dropdown
[x] When the button is clicked a Vuetify overlay is popped
[x] Overlay can be closed by clicking on the backdrop
On the overlay we need the following inputs
[x] Map selector which is a vuetify autocomplete component. Has a list of all the maps for that particular game. For WoWs start with the Wargaming API. For WOT the maps need to be stored locally. See wottactic sourcecode.
[x] Name of the map
[x] Preview of the map. A reduced map shown below the input
[x] Name of tactic. Vuetify text input component
[x] Create button. Vuetify button component.
[x] When the Create button has been clicked, the modal will close and the map will be in the center of the canvas.
As a user I want to quickly create a new tactic within the room.