GamerGirlandCo / fuck-you-tinymce

tinymce premium plugins for free because fuck those guys :)
MIT License
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Premium Plugins Not Enabled #8

Open Scoffins opened 1 month ago

Scoffins commented 1 month ago

When I try to load premium plugins using this script it just says that premium plugins aren't enabled for my API and to upgrade. Am I missing something?

GamerGirlandCo commented 1 month ago

could you show me the code you're using to load the plugins? make sure you're not loading tinymce via the cloud or the official npm package.

Scoffins commented 1 month ago

Basically I load the script like so:

<script src="/tinymce/tinymce.min.js"></script>

Then initialize it like this:

                selector: '#tiny',
                license_key: 'gpl',
                schema: 'html5',
                plugins: 'advcode',
                toolbar: 'code',
                table_toolbar: '',
                statusbar: false,
                branding: false,
                promotion: false,
                relative_urls : false,
                convert_urls : true,

That's a simplified stripped down code, but I'm using a more complex version in production. I'm currently using the free version hence the GPL license, but I tried many things to get your script working properly and nothing worked. I tried GPL license, no license, even signed up for an API code, nothing worked. I only tried with advcode plugin from your premium script, but it didn't work. The editor does load, but when I try to use premium plugins it keeps showing that error message in a little orange banner.

I've seen others here saying it works great and thanking you, so I'm assuming I'm doing something wrong, but I can't for the life of me figure out what. It's not a caching issue either.

Thanks for getting back to me.

GamerGirlandCo commented 1 month ago

Basically I load the script like so:

<script src="/tinymce/tinymce.min.js"></script>

Then initialize it like this:

                selector: '#tiny',
                license_key: 'gpl',
                schema: 'html5',
                plugins: 'advcode',
                toolbar: 'code',
                table_toolbar: '',
                statusbar: false,
                branding: false,
                promotion: false,
                relative_urls : false,
                convert_urls : true,

That's a simplified stripped down code, but I'm using a more complex version in production. I'm currently using the free version hence the GPL license, but I tried many things to get your script working properly and nothing worked. I tried GPL license, no license, even signed up for an API code, nothing worked. I only tried with advcode plugin from your premium script, but it didn't work. The editor does load, but when I try to use premium plugins it keeps showing that error message in a little orange banner.

I've seen others here saying it works great and thanking you, so I'm assuming I'm doing something wrong, but I can't for the life of me figure out what. It's not a caching issue either.

Thanks for getting back to me.

sorry for the late response!

you have to use external_plugins and base_url

here's a helper i wrote to convert a plugin array/string into an external_plugins object.

const reducer = (pv, cv) => {
    return { ...pv, [cv]: `plugins/${cv}/plugin.min.js` };

// use the reducer in your config

  external_plugins: "advcode".split(" ").reduce(reducer),
  base_url: "/tinymce"
Scoffins commented 1 month ago

Thanks but it just doesn't work. It's trying to load files which don't exist such as customeditor.min.js and codemirror.min.js, and throwing loads of errors.


    selector: 'textarea#tiny',
    license_key: 'gpl',
    schema: 'html5',

    plugins: 'advcode',
    toolbar: 'code',
    table_toolbar: '',
    statusbar: false,
    branding: false,
    promotion: false,
    relative_urls : false,
    remove_script_host : false,
    convert_urls : true,
    min_height: 400,

    external_plugins: "advcode".split(" ").reduce(reducer),
    base_url: "/static/tinymce2",

Scoffins commented 1 month ago

I fixd it (mostly - must be inline-mode to work) by ripping customeditor.min.js and codemirror.min.js from TinyMCE CDN. Happy to report it's working, along with other premium plugins such as the image editor, and merge tags.

This is a very valuable resource and I want to thank you for your hard work. I know this stuff can sometimes be a thankless job but please know that it is deeply appreciated by some.