Gamergotten / Infinite-runtime-tagviewer

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Season 5 Bumps #129

Closed ImpliedSkill closed 10 months ago

ImpliedSkill commented 10 months ago

"TagBlocks exceeding 2 million entries" errors and dumping tag structs now requires a full reinstall due to it no longer allowing you to load Tags after.

Connor-jt commented 10 months ago

The tool hasn't been updated in quite a while, and the latest halo infinite update did not change much as far as im aware, so there shouldn't be any new issues. But then again i have no clue when it comes to issues with this program.

LaykaKiro commented 10 months ago

I think this project was abandoned. That or the update is taking a bit...

Connor-jt commented 10 months ago

yeah, there is virtually no interest in modding the game anymore, so theres no one left to maintain this

LaykaKiro commented 10 months ago


ImpliedSkill commented 10 months ago

As far as im aware its just the big man Z and hes busy. Ive been using this tool lately a LOT in conjunction with HIRT to find neat stuff about the guns and vehicles. I wish I knew how to fix it or maintain it. I would love to be able to.

Connor-jt commented 10 months ago

i'll give it a spin later tonight and see if it works on my end

other than that, you've got 2 options:

  1. find an IRTV user whos still active around the modding scene & ask them about the issue (the only people that really come to mind are sopitive & orca dork, there are some other guys but i cant actually remember their usernames) the easiest place to find them would probably be pinging them on the halo mods discord.
  2. start learning how to program, if you've got some spare time every now and then it might be worthwhile to just start digging through the code and attempting to spot the issue yourself just toss down a monster amount of breakpoints and you'll eventually beable to read through the code and understand both its purpose & functionality theres virtually no extra steps in building this project, aside from installing visual studio (i use visual studio 2022), download this project and then open it up with visual studio if your anti virus mentions the memory dll then you might have to reinstall the memory.dll nuget package (i have to do that literally anytime i open these kinda projects, its so annoying)

also, on the note of the tagstruct dumper, that tool doesn't have a great failsafe. so it is possible for it to fail in some scenarios i had to update it with one of my other projects because it actually fails to get the last like 3 tag structs (xong, and whatever the other last tags were)

from your original message, i assume it fails to dump the correct structs right? and thats why it cant load the tags after? or is it that you just have to reinstall the program and then it is able to load the tags with the updated structs?

lastly another note: IRTV & HIRT do not explicitly use the same tag struct files, but if IRTV's structs are incorrect, then you could probably just use HIRT's tag struct files (i believe you just drag and drop your HIRT plugins into IRTV's 'Plugins' folder)

ImpliedSkill commented 10 months ago

I've been using IRTV almost daily for like 4 months, I could better explain what I'm seeing and issues I've found in a VC if you want. I'm the definition of a script kiddie so trying to explain any issues through text is not ideal for me. Its why I was very vague with just saying the errors I've seen the most in the original post. My disc is impliedskill if you end up wanting to vc!

Connor-jt commented 10 months ago

VC is a no can do for the time being.

I just ran a quick test and the tool is still working on my end (fresh download, although i did not reset user settings. ran from C: drive, downloads folder)

Here's the dumped structs i got, these should work fine on your end too (just replace the old IRTV\Plugins folder with this one)

I also ran another test, and your original issue (exceeded 2 million tagblock things) is because obviously reinstalling the program defaults it to the old season 1 or 2 plugins, which are no longer correct and cause the tag to misalign all the data, so where it thinks a tagblock might be, is some other random value. That error is just a fallback to alert you that a tagblock had an insane number of entries, likely indicating that the loaded tag structs are very likely to not be compatible.

ImpliedSkill commented 10 months ago

Awsome! Ill get on the rig early morning and double check that this works for me. I really appreciate the help! Ill keep this in mind for future updates too!

ImpliedSkill commented 10 months ago

No Issues anymore. This fixed it! Once again, Thanks for your time in looking into this for me <3

Gamergotten commented 10 months ago

marking as solved if you have more issues with dumping structs, then feel free open a new issue request