GamesByMoonlight / HeartHome

An episodic emotional game about finding a home for your heart
The Unlicense
2 stars 2 forks source link


Closed saporter closed 6 years ago

saporter commented 6 years ago

Need: Artist --> Sprite for a Watering Can Animator --> A watering animation of some sort (see design doc or notes below for more context) Sound --> Watering sound Programmer --> This should be a collectable item found in the scene (using SPACE). Once found, player should be able to use it with SPACE. If used on Fertile Soil with Seeds planted, the Fertile Soil/Seeds should turn into a Flower.

Notes: The workflow here is to: Till soil with HOE, place SEEDS on tilled soil, then water seeds on soil with WATERING CAN to create a Flower

Design Doc:

saporter commented 6 years ago

I've got this one... working it during the Unity Tutorial 4/10