GamingCoookie / dv-multiplayer-continued

A multiplayer modification for the game Derail Valley
14 stars 5 forks source link

Fix null exception when using something besides a steamer #7

Closed saltlands closed 2 years ago

saltlands commented 2 years ago
NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object
  at NetworkTrainManager.SendNewLocoValue (TrainCar loco) [0x00035] in <c174e142d74b484ea371072f12b74db6>:0
  at NetworkTrainSync.Update () [0x0004d] in <c174e142d74b484ea371072f12b74db6>:0

Due to the player's loco not having SteamLocoSimulation

GamingCoookie commented 2 years ago

Is it a fatal problem that needs fixing or can it be ignored? On my local repository I have this Exception fixed already by use of a switch-case thing just didn't commit anything yet as this syncing doesn't really work yet (I should be able to get this stuff fixed but I don't know where it goes wrong :( )

saltlands commented 2 years ago

No, it's just noisy logs. It makes it difficult to find other logs when this is spamming every frame. If you have another fix in progress then we can abandon this.