Gamua / Starling-Framework

The Cross Platform Game Engine
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Output warning to console when enableErrorChecking is set to true? #1014

Closed joshtynjala closed 6 years ago

joshtynjala commented 6 years ago

I just tried a simple Github search, and there are a lot of people setting enableErrorChecking to true:

In some cases, it's commented out. Sometimes, they might actually be writing shaders. However, I suspect that a lot of beginners might be checking out properties are available on Starling, and the name enableErrorChecking catches their eye. The name makes it sound like a smart thing to enable, so they do it without knowing the consequences. I also suspect that there may be some beginner tutorials out there in the community that set enableErrorChecking to true, and then the issue propagates!

It might be a good idea to add a trace() call in the enableErrorChecking setter to warn developers about it:

public function set enableErrorChecking(value:Boolean):void
    _enableErrorChecking = value;
    if (_context) _context.enableErrorChecking = value;
    if (value)
        trace("[Starling] Warning: Setting the enableErrorChecking property to true has a very negative impact on performance, and it prevents ATF textures from being restored on a context loss. Activate enableErrorChecking only when writing custom rendering code (shaders, etc.). Never activate for release builds!");
PrimaryFeather commented 6 years ago

That's an excellent point, Josh. I'll add that change first thing tomorrow!