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Reverse delay for Tween #1081

Open Mintonist opened 3 years ago

Mintonist commented 3 years ago


"reverse" flag is very useful for me. But I need different delays for forward and back animation. For example - heartbeat. Not likely to be used with TweenMax etc.

One more helpfully thing. It is "autohide" flag for auto set visible=false at the end of animation. And visible=true on beginning. Or you may add callbacks "onRepeatStart" / "onRepeatFinish".


PrimaryFeather commented 3 years ago

Agreed, that sounds useful! Thanks for the suggestion!

Mintonist commented 3 years ago

One more suggestion) Do you think about TweenChain as series of tweens? It can be repeated, reversed, delayed - all as single Tween.

UPD. I find Feature about Timeline for tweens since 2018. Vote for that) So do you have any suggest about timing for "reverse delay"/ "autohide" flag / "onRepeatStart" / "onRepeatFinish" callbacks ?