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Uncaught ArgumentError: Error #3672 at starling.display::QuadBatch/createBuffers() #676

Open neuronix opened 9 years ago

neuronix commented 9 years ago


This error is a nightmare. Has been triggering randomly for ages, now in latest Android release (built with AIR 17), thousands of users are getting it on first launch... without any major change the in app code (and no issues on testing devices: Galaxy S4, Galaxy S3 mini...).

Uncaught ArgumentError: Error #3672 at starling.display::QuadBatch/createBuffers() at starling.display::QuadBatch/syncBuffers() at starling.display::QuadBatch/renderCustom() at starling.core::RenderSupport/finishQuadBatch() at starling.core::RenderSupport/batchQuad() at starling.display::Image/render() at starling.display::DisplayObjectContainer/render() at starling.display::Sprite/render() at starling.display::DisplayObjectContainer/render() at starling.display::Sprite/render() at starling.display::DisplayObjectContainer/render() at starling.core::Starling/render() at starling.core::Starling/nextFrame() at starling.core::Starling/onEnterFrame()

Impossible to debug and causes the app to crash.

I don't know if this is a Starling bug or an AIR / Flash bug but Starling is supposedly backed by Adobe. Is there no way of getting them to actually fix theses bugs?

Another one I reported that has been closed by adobe that still occurs thousands of times per day on our userbase (finally overrid starling & try catched the rendering..) :

neuronix commented 9 years ago

Hi @tushar2708

Any update on this issue ? It's really critical.

I see AIR 17 was updated yesterday, but no clear indication on this bug.


tushar2708 commented 9 years ago


This bug has been fixed internally. It will be released in next AIRSDK release.

-Tushar, Adobe AIR Team

PrimaryFeather commented 9 years ago

Hooray, those are great news — thanks, @tushar2708! Did you find the reason(s) for all "incarnations" of this problem? I.e. errors 3675, 3672 & 3702?

neuronix commented 9 years ago

Thanks for the great news!

It would be indeed nice to know to what extent the fix has solved the issue (there are many 3675s & similar on AIR 16 even if a not in such a great quantity).

22Round commented 9 years ago

AIR 18 Beta Released can someone test these bugs and confirm if it solved?

jamikado commented 9 years ago

It is probably worth noting reading the release notes for this SDK that while this item is in the 'Fixed' section:

These two are listed still as a 'known' issue even for this SDK:

neuronix commented 9 years ago

Reading the releases notes i'd say the issue is not fixed in AIR 18.

Indeed, we reproduced the error on a device without Lollipop. Those two "known issues" are definitely what this thread is about. I guess we'll get the fix in another release.

Igazine commented 9 years ago

I can confirm, the bug is still there. Instead I receive one extra exception thrown if I turn on showStats :(

PrimaryFeather commented 9 years ago

Damn ... :-( @Igazine, what's the callstack of your "showStats" error?

Igazine commented 9 years ago

ArgumentError: Error #3675 at starling.textures::ConcreteTexture/uploadBitmapData() at starling.textures::Texture$/fromBitmapData() at MiniBitmapFont$/get texture() at starling.text::BitmapFont() at starling.text::TextField/set fontName() at starling.text::TextField() at StatsDisplay() at starling.core::Starling/showStatsAt() at Function/onRootCreated() at at at at starling.core::Starling/initializeRoot() at starling.core::Starling/initialize() at starling.core::Starling/onContextCreated()

this I can't see if i don't turn the stats on, but the other 3675 error is still being thrown. Galaxy Nexus (low end test device), latest Starling from GitHub, AIR With AIR15 it's running nice and smooth. On my OnePlus One this error is not being thrown with AIR18

Igazine commented 9 years ago

stack trace with showStats=false

ArgumentError: Error #3672 at starling.display::QuadBatch/createBuffers() at starling.display::QuadBatch/syncBuffers() at starling.display::QuadBatch/renderCustom() at starling.core::RenderSupport/finishQuadBatch() at starling.core::RenderSupport/applyClipRect() at starling.display::Sprite/render() at starling.display::DisplayObjectContainer/render() at starling.display::Sprite/render() at feathers.controls::LayoutGroup/render() at starling.display::DisplayObjectContainer/render() at starling.display::Sprite/render() at starling.display::DisplayObjectContainer/render() at starling.display::Sprite/render() at starling.display::DisplayObjectContainer/render() at starling.display::Sprite/render() at starling.display::DisplayObjectContainer/render() at starling.core::Starling/render() at starling.core::Starling/onEnterFrame()

neuronix commented 9 years ago

@tushar2708 do you know which release will include the fix?

jamikado commented 9 years ago

These two have now moved to the fixed section in the AIR 18 beta released today (April 28th 2015)

"Error #3672: Buffer creation failed" while calling createVertexBuffer() to a Texture on Samsung Galaxy Tab 4 (3960859)
"Texture format mismatch" while uploading BitmapData to a Texture on Samsung Galaxy Tab (3959595)
neuronix commented 9 years ago

Thanks Jeff!

Could someone with a concerned device confirm the fix ?

grosssmutttr commented 9 years ago

Hi there, I only tested it on a Nexus 4 with Android 5.1 and it seems to work except the StageText component from feathers. This is only displayed after minimizing and maximizing the app...Will test it on a Samsung Galaxy S2 soon and get back

plantabutterfly commented 9 years ago

I just test the SDK 18 beta with my Samsung Galaxy Nexus, using Android 5.1, Starling 1.6, FeathersUI 2.1.1. Still got the error below. But if I use SDK 16, everything is fine.

ArgumentError: Error #3672: Buffer creation failed. Internal error. at flash.display3D::Context3D/createVertexBuffer() at starling.display::QuadBatch/createBuffers()[/Users/redge/Dropbox/Development/starling/starling/src/starling/display/] at starling.display::QuadBatch/syncBuffers()[/Users/redge/Dropbox/Development/starling/starling/src/starling/display/] at starling.display::QuadBatch/renderCustom()[/Users/redge/Dropbox/Development/starling/starling/src/starling/display/] at starling.core::RenderSupport/finishQuadBatch()[/Users/redge/Dropbox/Development/starling/starling/src/starling/core/] at starling.display::QuadBatch/render()[/Users/redge/Dropbox/Development/starling/starling/src/starling/display/] at starling.display::DisplayObjectContainer/render()[/Users/redge/Dropbox/Development/starling/starling/src/starling/display/] at starling.display::Sprite/render()[/Users/redge/Dropbox/Development/starling/starling/src/starling/display/] at feathers.display::Scale9Image/render()[/Users/joshtynjala/Development/Flash/feathers/source/feathers/display/] at starling.display::DisplayObjectContainer/render()[/Users/redge/Dropbox/Development/starling/starling/src/starling/display/] at starling.display::Sprite/render()[/Users/redge/Dropbox/Development/starling/starling/src/starling/display/] at feathers.controls::Button/render()[/Users/joshtynjala/Development/Flash/feathers/source/feathers/controls/] at starling.display::DisplayObjectContainer/render()[/Users/redge/Dropbox/Development/starling/starling/src/starling/display/] at starling.display::Sprite/render()[/Users/redge/Dropbox/Development/starling/starling/src/starling/display/] at starling.display::DisplayObjectContainer/render()[/Users/redge/Dropbox/Development/starling/starling/src/starling/display/] at starling.display::Sprite/render()[/Users/redge/Dropbox/Development/starling/starling/src/starling/display/] at feathers.controls::LayoutGroup/render()[/Users/joshtynjala/Development/Flash/feathers/source/feathers/controls/] at starling.display::DisplayObjectContainer/render()[/Users/redge/Dropbox/Development/starling/starling/src/starling/display/] at starling.display::Sprite/render()[/Users/redge/Dropbox/Development/starling/starling/src/starling/display/] at starling.display::DisplayObjectContainer/render()[/Users/redge/Dropbox/Development/starling/starling/src/starling/display/] at starling.core::Starling/render()[/Users/redge/Dropbox/Development/starling/starling/src/starling/core/] at starling.core::Starling/nextFrame()[/Users/redge/Dropbox/Development/starling/starling/src/starling/core/] at starling.core::Starling/onEnterFrame()[/Users/redge/Dropbox/Development/starling/starling/src/starling/core/]

neuronix commented 9 years ago

@plantabutterfly just to be sure, did you downlod the April 28th release of AIR 18?

plantabutterfly commented 9 years ago

@neuronix I just download the AIR 18 beta today, so it should be the latest version. And one more point to add, I use ATF texture but not Bitmap.


And just do some testing on AIR 18 beta with Samsung Galaxy Nexus. If I add a limited amount of displayObject (say only show 1 large Starling Image, or only show 2 FeathersUI buttons), nothing goes wrong (until I press the button and show more displayObjects with FeathersUI popUp). Maybe it is some kind of GPU memory issue in the beta SDK.

HaptiRune commented 9 years ago

We are still seeing issues in on Google Galaxy Nexus. There are no longer any exceptions thrown, but a lot of textures don't show up (nothing rendered).

plantabutterfly commented 9 years ago

@HaptiRune Though I am also using Google Galaxy Nexus, my issue is different to yours, I am still getting Buffer creation failed. Internal error... I have reported the bug to Adobe:

We better create a sample code to reproduce the error and report the issue to Adobe, otherwise Adobe would think they have fix the SDK 18, and we have to wait for another release, which could be 1 or 2 months later.

In the link, I have already upload a sample code, maybe you can simply revise that to reproduce your error for bug submission, this should save you some time :)

Stortof commented 9 years ago

New version today :

grosssmutttr commented 9 years ago
  1. Feathers component "ScrollText" still not displaying :-( Strange behaviour is that the ScrollText is displayed after minimzing and maximizing the app...

Tested on a Nexus 4 with Android 5.1

  1. Described bug of plantabutterfly on a Samsung Galaxy S2 with Android 4.1.2 still exists. No error thrown on the Nexus 4 concerning this bug but perhaps the two bugs are in a relation...
dmpanis commented 9 years ago

I am getting the following in Samsung Galaxy Tab 3 using latest Air 8. Actually I am getting this error since air 17.

ArgumentError: Error #3672: Buffer creation failed. Internal error. at flash.display3D::Context3D/createVertexBuffer() at starling.display::QuadBatch/createBuffers()[/Users/dm/Documents/workspace/zgames/core/ZCore/libs/starling/display/] at starling.display::QuadBatch/syncBuffers()[/Users/dm/Documents/workspace/zgames/core/ZCore/libs/starling/display/] at starling.display::QuadBatch/renderCustom()[/Users/dm/Documents/workspace/zgames/core/ZCore/libs/starling/display/] at starling.core::RenderSupport/finishQuadBatch()[/Users/dm/Documents/workspace/zgames/core/ZCore/libs/starling/core/] at starling.core::RenderSupport/batchQuad()[/Users/dm/Documents/workspace/zgames/core/ZCore/libs/starling/core/] at starling.display::Image/render()[/Users/dm/Documents/workspace/zgames/core/ZCore/libs/starling/display/] at starling.display::DisplayObjectContainer/render()[/Users/dm/Documents/workspace/zgames/core/ZCore/libs/starling/display/] at starling.display::Sprite/render()[/Users/dm/Documents/workspace/zgames/core/ZCore/libs/starling/display/] at starling.display::DisplayObjectContainer/render()[/Users/dm/Documents/workspace/zgames/core/ZCore/libs/starling/display/] at starling.display::Sprite/render()[/Users/dm/Documents/workspace/zgames/core/ZCore/libs/starling/display/] at starling.display::DisplayObjectContainer/render()[/Users/dm/Documents/workspace/zgames/core/ZCore/libs/starling/display/] at starling.display::Sprite/render()[/Users/dm/Documents/workspace/zgames/core/ZCore/libs/starling/display/] at starling.display::DisplayObjectContainer/render()[/Users/dm/Documents/workspace/zgames/core/ZCore/libs/starling/display/] at starling.core::Starling/render()[/Users/dm/Documents/workspace/zgames/core/ZCore/libs/starling/core/] at starling.core::Starling/nextFrame()[/Users/dm/Documents/workspace/zgames/core/ZCore/libs/starling/core/] at starling.core::Starling/onEnterFrame()[/Users/dm/Documents/workspace/zgames/core/ZCore/libs/starling/core/]

grosssmutttr commented 9 years ago

Same here. Since AIR 17 I can't update the apps...

chadrem commented 9 years ago

I just tried the latest Air SDK 18 beta... Getting "ArgumentError: Error #3672: Buffer creation failed. Internal error." with a Samsung Galaxy Nexus (Verizon specific model, Android 4.2.2). Air 16 works.

pahup2002 commented 9 years ago

Hello Everyone,

Thanks all for reporting all the issues. To summarize, out of all the above, I wanted to inform you that, at the moment we only have following issue in our queue - - We're trying to reproduce it.

Rest all (3967293, 3960859, 3959595, 3952617, 3959381) were fixed and were released as part of latest AIR beta ( at

Please share bugbase links (with all the details and sample attachments) if there are any other issues which were injected in AIR 18 but worked fine in lower versions, we would love to address them.

-Thanks Pahup Adobe AIR Team

plantabutterfly commented 9 years ago

@pahup2002 Hi, I have another bug found, related to setter Boolean in interface in a loop (i reproduce it in this way, but the real problem could be something else). yesterday, I spend my entire day just to figure it out and reproduce it, since it works fine when debug on device but goes wrong after release build on iOS. And this bug seems only occur in some situation (not sure since just reproducing it cost me half day), hope you guys can get some ideas from the attachment inside the bug thread.

jamikado commented 9 years ago

@plantabutterfly Please don't post completely unrelated bug issues in this thread.

pahup2002 commented 9 years ago

@plantabutterfly - Yes, this bug is already fixed in latest Beta, please try this out, let us know if you do not find that fixed. We've closed the bug just now.

plantabutterfly commented 9 years ago

@jamikado My bad. Sorry for the confusion. @pahup2002 Thanks, will check again.

Igazine commented 9 years ago

With the latest AIR build (122) I managed to run my apps on my Galaxy Nexus without issues. It seems that both the createVertexBuffer and the other issue are gone

hiperbou commented 9 years ago

I still get the same error with the build 122 with a Galaxy Tab 3 with Android 4.4.2 ArgumentError: Error #3672: Buffer creation failed. Internal error. at flash.display3D::Context3D/createVertexBuffer() The same code works on a Galaxy S4 with 5.0.1, a Sony Xperia M2 with 4.3 and 4.4.2

chadrem commented 9 years ago

I'm using the latest version (122) and I'm still getting "Error #3672: Buffer creation failed. Internal error." with a Galaxy Nexus (Verizon edition) with Android 4.2.2.

grosssmutttr commented 9 years ago

Any news on that?

PrimaryFeather commented 9 years ago

@grosssmutttr Please try the very latest beta of AIR 18 (from May 20th) — Adobe is working on it. If it doesn't help in your case, please be sure to post on one of the bugbase issues!

hiperbou commented 9 years ago

It's working for me with the latest version (130 from May 20th) on my Galaxy Tab 3.

grosssmutttr commented 9 years ago

Unfortunately still not working...

grosssmutttr commented 9 years ago

Tested the new version Now the ScrollText component is displayed and everything works fine on the Nexus 4.

I also tested on a Samsung S2 and S3 and sometimes the buttons are displayed as black squares after closing an interstitial ad. So every UI element except the texts are shown as black squares.

PrimaryFeather commented 9 years ago

What's the state of affairs for the other users? Has anyone already switched to AIR 18, or is it still too dangerous?

neuronix commented 9 years ago

I still haven't done the switch, sticking to AIR 16 at the moment. I'll do some tests with AIR 18 next week and give feedback.

PrimaryFeather commented 9 years ago

Thanks, @neuronix!

chadrem commented 9 years ago

I have moved to Air 18 for iOS, but still on Air 16 for Android. I'll retest my app on Air 18 today using the one device I have that doesn't work with Air 17 & 18 (Samsung Galaxy Nexus). Will report back soon.

Igazine commented 9 years ago

I can confirm my app is working on my Galaxy Nexus with the latest AIR 18 build. It uses Starling and Feather components and controls, the previously mentioned bugs and graphical issues are not present. Heavy tests are not yet done, but so far I have not experienced any from the issues before.

Also Adobe is updating only the Flash player lately, so maybe these issues are finally really fixed in AIR.

chadrem commented 9 years ago

I can confirm my app is working on a Galaxy Nexus with the latest Air 18. It's also on the latest master of Starling & Feathers as of an hour ago. I had problems with Air 17 & Air 18 beta so I think things might be fixed. I'll be doing a lot more testing next week and will report back if I run into problems.

grosssmutttr commented 9 years ago

I discovered a problem when an interstitial ad is displayed. The feathers UI elements are displayed as black squares after closing the interstitial ad.

I experienced this on a Samsung S2 and S3.

PrimaryFeather commented 9 years ago

Thanks for the updates, guys! I'll ping Adobe so that they know the current status.

neuronix commented 9 years ago

The issue(s) are still not fixed... I did a staged rollout release on the playstore and now the users who got the AIR 18 update are encountering issues on Galaxy Tab3 Lite and L90 devices.

Mintonist commented 9 years ago

This critical bug hasn't been fixed already half a year! How come?

grosssmutttr commented 9 years ago

For me Adobe AIR updates can't be used since AIR 16 so I think this is over half a year ...

neuronix commented 9 years ago

@tushar2708 @pahup2002 I know you guys have already looked into this but the issue still remains and is still so frequent that one cannot consider releasing an AIR app built with AIR 17/AIR18 on Android. Do you know when we could expect a fix?