Gamua / Starling-Framework

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Setting onRestore always calls removeEventListener() which allocates a Vector.<Function> #768

Closed joshtynjala closed 9 years ago

joshtynjala commented 9 years ago

Setting the onRestore property of ConcreteTexture always calls removeEventListener():

public function set onRestore(value:Function):void
    Starling.current.removeEventListener(Event.CONTEXT3D_CREATE, onContextCreated);

    if (Starling.handleLostContext && value != null)
        mOnRestore = value;
        Starling.current.addEventListener(Event.CONTEXT3D_CREATE, onContextCreated);
    else mOnRestore = null;

This might seem inexpensive to call removeEventListener() when a listener hasn't been added. However, I discovered that removeEventListener() can allocate a new Vector even when the listener hasn't been added. It checks if numListeners is > 0, but not that the listener is currently stored in the Vector.

In a Feathers List, new textures may be created frequently as the List scrolls. All of these allocations will cause garbage collection, which will affect performance negatively.

A quick fix for ConcreteTexture would be to remove the event listener only when required:

public function set onRestore(value:Function):void
    if (Starling.handleLostContext && value != null)
        mOnRestore = value;
        Starling.current.addEventListener(Event.CONTEXT3D_CREATE, onContextCreated);
    else if (mOnRestore != null)
        Starling.current.removeEventListener(Event.CONTEXT3D_CREATE, onContextCreated);
        mOnRestore = null;

However, I also think that this Vector. allocation in removeEventListener() should be addressed. It's likely to affect performance in other places.

Additionally, using indexOf() may allow you to skip some of the iterations in the for loop. Instead of creating a new empty Vector, you could use slice() to include all of the items before the listener in a copy. I didn't test this code, but it should give you an idea of what I have in mind:

if (numListeners > 0)
    // we must not modify the original vector, but work on a copy.
    // (see comment in 'invokeEvent')

    var index:int = listeners.indexOf(listener);
    if (index != -1)
        var restListeners:Vector.<Function> = listeners.slice(0, numListeners);

        for (var i:int=index+1; i<numListeners; ++i)
            restListeners[i-1] = listeners[i];

        mEventListeners[type] = restListeners;
PrimaryFeather commented 9 years ago

A great observation, Josh, thanks! I could add your "removeEventListener" optimization just like that, it works flawlessly. Since this now works fast and without any allocations for the given use-case, I think we can leave the "onRestore" method unchanged.

joshtynjala commented 9 years ago

Thank you, Daniel!

PrimaryFeather commented 9 years ago

You're welcome, Josh, as always! :smile: