Gamua / Starling-Framework

The Cross Platform Game Engine
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clipRect for Starling 2.0 #838

Closed Diamanter closed 8 years ago

Diamanter commented 8 years ago

Can we get back clipRect property at least for Image objects?

Even using quad masks I've got 2 more draw calls for every clipped image.

PrimaryFeather commented 8 years ago

That shouldn't happen: when you're using Quads, and they are aligned to the stage bounds, you should have the same number of draw calls as with a clipRect in Starling 1.x.

Could you post some sample code? Or else, set a breakpoint in Painter.drawMask and enter the method isRectangularMask. Maybe you can see why it's not recognized as a rectangular one.

Diamanter commented 8 years ago

This is a change for your "Mask scene" (added 2 images, removed color filter). Active mask2 added 2 draw calls with and without circle mask.

For my game scene in Starling 1.7 I have only 1 draw call, now I have 20+ draw calls.

clipRect for Images (or even better Sprites) will fix the problem and makes similar scenes batchable.

        var image:Image = new Image(Game.assets.getTexture("flight_00"));
        image.x = (stageWidth - image.width) / 2;
        image.y = 80;

        var image2:Image = new Image(Game.assets.getTexture("flight_00"));
        image2.x = (stageWidth - image2.width) / 2;
        image2.y = 0;

        var mask2:Quad = new Quad(image2.width, image2.height/2);
        mask2.x = image2.x;
        mask2.y = image2.y;
        image2.mask = mask2;

        var image3:Image = new Image(Game.assets.getTexture("flight_00"));
        image3.x = (stageWidth - image3.width) / 2;
        image3.y = 180;

        // just to prove it works, use a filter on the image.
        //var cm:ColorMatrixFilter = new ColorMatrixFilter();
        //image.filter = cm;
Diamanter commented 8 years ago

isRectangularMask() returns true for these simple masks, no problem here.

PrimaryFeather commented 8 years ago

I'm afraid I still don't quite get it, sorry. :wink:

If you make the same in Starling 1.8, (1) you couldn't add a clipRect to image2 at all, because that was only available on Sprites. (2) If you'd wrap it up in a Sprite, you'd still have the same number of draw calls as your sample in Starling 2.

To make this more apparent, I've stripped down the sample, containing just a single mask / clipRect.

Both scenes require exactly 4 draw calls. And that's to be expected, since an axis-aligned Quad-mask is automatically converted to a clipRect (scissorRect) internally.

If you're aware of all that, please try to explain your issue again, so that I can truly understand it. :wink: Thanks!

Diamanter commented 8 years ago

Ok, I made my own clipRect using Image.setTexCoords, this makes things really faster (and batchable) :)

Thank you for tips!

PrimaryFeather commented 8 years ago

Yes, that's the fastest route you can go! :+1: This will give you full batching.

Happy to hear this is not a Starling issue per se, then! I'll close this issue. Let me know if you need anything else!