Gandi-IDE / custom-extension

GNU Lesser General Public License v2.1
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Create:DeeplX #230

Open MoreBugOfDog opened 4 months ago

MoreBugOfDog commented 4 months ago

I'm sorry. Now you need the user apikey!This extension is no longer valid 2024/7/17

创建“DeeplX”拓展,通过调用DeeplX项目的api,实现翻译,弥补谷歌翻译不能翻译为中文的不足。 本拓展经过开发者严格的法律审查,不涉及任何违法行为。 使用本拓展造成的任何后果与开发者无关。 关于法律问题:DeeplX服务是将 deepl api 进行了本地化不涉及到任何违法行为。 感谢 zhile 提供的 稳定免费 的 DeeplX api 感谢 FurryR拓展开发脚手架! DeeplX项目地址: Deepl官网:

Created the "DeeplX" extension to realize translation by calling the api of DeeplX project, to make up for the shortcomings of Google Translate which can't translate to Chinese. This extension has been subjected to strict legal scrutiny by the developer and does not involve any illegal behavior. Any consequences caused by the use of this extension have nothing to do with the developer. Regarding legal issues: DeeplX service is a localization of the deepl api, and does not involve any illegal behavior. Thanks to zhile for the stable and free DeeplX api! Thanks to FurryR for the extension development scaffolding! DeeplX project address: Deepl official website:


xiaochen004hao commented 4 months ago

脚手架?不会用...... 谁能教教我???

MoreBugOfDog commented 4 months ago

脚手架?不会用...... 谁能教教我???


FurryR commented 4 months ago

DeepLX 合法性商有待商榷,可能要考虑侵权后的连坐情况。 在 Gandi IDE 可以换用 AIHub 来翻译?

xiaochen004hao commented 4 months ago

DeepLX 合法性商有待商榷,可能要考虑侵权后的连坐情况。 在 Gandi IDE 可以换用 AIHub 来翻译?


MoreBugOfDog commented 4 months ago

DeepLX 合法性商有待商榷,可能要考虑侵权后的连坐情况。 在 Gandi IDE 可以换用 AIHub 来翻译?

收到,我会尝试合法的api。 AIHub如果要进行标准的翻译,要进行严格的限制(如最后的句号,解释,提示语) 这对对AI没有经验的肝酱比较困难,这也是我做此拓展的原因

MoreBugOfDog commented 4 months ago
sylarhcn commented 3 months ago

DeepLX 合法性商有待商榷,可能要考虑侵权后的连坐情况。 在 Gandi IDE 可以换用 AIHub 来翻译?

这样的话,可能就不应该由 ccw 官方背书来 host 这个扩展?而是作为用户生态的自由扩展被人使用吗?