Closed Linhua-Sun closed 2 years ago
Hi, can you provide some code example let us to reproduce this?
Hi, I used following codes.
import coolbox
from coolbox.api import *
Control_cool = ""
regions= ["Chr5:13940000-14150000", "Chr5:8340000-8550000"]
highlights = HighLights(regions, color="green", alpha=0.3)
frameD = XAxis() + Cool(Control_cool,style='matrix',balance=True,normalize="expect",transform=False, norm=False, max_value=6, min_value=-2)+ \
HiCPeaksCoverage(test, color="black",style='hicpeaks',line_width=5,side="both") + \
And bedpe file only have a line.
!cat /data1/linhua/QIANLAB/PROJECT/hic/JointView/1.bedpe
Chr5 13940000 14150000 Chr5 8340000 8550000
The file is the cooler file of Hi-C datasets of Arabidopsis at 10 kb resolution. If you need it, I can also send it you. May be by e-mail? I have also attached the output picture.
Another runnable script to reproduce this bug in the online binder.
import sys
sys.path.insert(0, "../")
from coolbox.api import *
with open('test.bed', 'w') as f:
DATA_DIR = f"test_data"
test_interval = "chr9:4000000-6000000"
test_itv = test_interval.replace(':', '_').replace('-', '_')
regions= ["chr9:4520000-4630000", "chr9:8340000-8550000"]
cool1 = Cool(f"{DATA_DIR}/cool_{test_itv}.mcool", cmap="JuiceBoxLike", style='matrix', color_bar='vertical')
with TrackHeight(2):
frame = XAxis() + \
cool1 + Title("Hi-C(.cool)") + \
HighLights(regions, color="green", alpha=0.3) + \
HiCPeaksCoverage('test.bed')['width'] = 45
bsr = Browser(frame)
This has been fixed.
import sys
sys.path.insert(0, "../")
import os
from coolbox.api import *
cool_path = "./test_data/cool_chr9_4000000_6000000.mcool"
test_interval = "chr9:4000000-6000000"
s1, e1, s2, e2 = [4200000, 4300000, 4500000, 4800000]
test_bedpe = "./test.bedpe"
with open(test_bedpe, 'w') as f:
os.system("rm ./test.bedpe.bgz*")
regions = [f"chr9:{s1}-{e1}", f"chr9:{s2}-{e2}"]
hicp = HiCPeaksCoverage(test_bedpe)
frame = XAxis() + Cool(cool_path, style="matrix") + hicp
frame *= HighLights(regions, color="green", alpha=0.3)
frame *= Vlines(['chr9:5000000-5000000'])
This fix will publish in the next version
Thank you very much for your work and look forward to the next version of the software.
I found that the coordinates of loops are misplaced. Just like the following picture: the yellow loop in bedpe is
Chr5 16940000 17150000 Chr5 19340000 19550000
. I also high light withregions= ["Chr5:16940000-17150000", "Chr5:19340000-19550000"]
. Obviously, the position of the loop seems to be misplaced, which is more obvious when I deliberately enlarge the loop