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Pickpocket Helper Redemption + Ancient Brew/Restore/Ppot Support #237

Open ihatethieving opened 2 years ago

ihatethieving commented 2 years ago

Describe the solution you'd like Adding support for Redemption as healing for pickpocket helper.

Ancient brews are a relatively new item added from nex release that are currently extremely good for thieving, they boost magic by up to 6 and give up to 11 prayer while draining other combat stats plus cost ~1500 each. These and of course an option for normal ppots/restores would let you bring 70-90+hp per slot while thieving as redemption heals up to 24 hp per proc.

Additional context From my own personal testing you can easily last over an hour without banking at elves (99thief+cape+dodgy necks) and you gain a good amount of pickpockets/hr using ancient brews/rests/ppots as your healing. My rates manually doing an hour with these is typically around 185-200K per hr or around ~520-550 pickpockets, which is a big increase from what i normally get when using the plugin

ihatethieving commented 2 years ago

Also unrelated but perhaps a keybind to clear-all targets for pickpocket as sometimes you have to remove and re target npcs if you leave their render distance if it's not much work to implement, thanks a lot guys