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Tithe Farm left click watering can *One-Click plugin* #67

Closed greglaporte739 closed 3 years ago

greglaporte739 commented 3 years ago

Is your feature request related to a problem? Please describe. No

Describe the solution you'd like I am not a dev so I may be completely wrong here. I have noticed that Tithe farm plugin is unable to left click use watering cans on the plants but it can use the seeds on the empty patches. I have also noticed that One-Click can ''Use hops seeds'' on the bird houses, I am assuming that the plugin looks for any IDs that you have inputed as hops seed to use on bird houses as a left click. Would it be possible for the tithe farm part of the plugin to be able to use watering cans on plants using multiple cans IDs so that no matter the usage remaining in the cans the plugin still see it as usable on the plants.

Describe alternatives you've considered If the multiple Cans IDs cant be used can you make an option so the Gricoller's can can be used with left click only. (I believe it has only 1 item ID even with the fact it can hold up to 1k charges?)

Additional context Its doable without and very low priority but if it can be done someday I am certain some people would be happy to save the massive amount of clicks that makes tithe farm so annoying to complete.