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Hunter Helper Red Chins stuck walking between two traps #93

Open xanduney opened 3 years ago

xanduney commented 3 years ago

Describe the bug When you have 4 traps down sometimes it will walk between two of the constantly, regardless of the pattern, and regardless of whether "grab failures first" is enabled.

To Reproduce Steps to reproduce the behavior:

  1. Go to normal red chin hunter location with 4 traps and set your marks
  2. Start the plugin and wait a few minutes
  3. The bug should happen fairly quickly
  4. There is no error in the log but it spams "[Client] INFO net.runelite.client.plugins.eB - Max Traps Changed to: 4, from: 0" in my log when it does it

Expected behavior It should just wait until another trap needs to be reset then do an action.


Additional context I posted some info in the hunter helper channel in discord.

Ganom commented 3 years ago

I was not able to reproduce this issue, can someone else attempt to reproduce the issue?

xanduney commented 3 years ago

Thanks for attempting. I have moved to a spot by the hunter symbol and it seems to work a lot better. If it helps, It was in the southwest corner of the area that the issue was occuring.

Jkosrs commented 3 years ago

I was able to reproduce this multiple times after it started happening to me.

Setup and start it somewhere without chins so it can only afk (since this bug happens during afk period). Changing the grab failures setting while afk makes it bug out. I think starting another oprs client also triggers it to bug, didn't test this multiple times though.

Logs show only the same spam op mentioned.