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Advanced swapper - a:last bugged. #99

Closed ZZNQX closed 2 years ago

ZZNQX commented 3 years ago

the string a:last currently will ALWAYS target the last monster that has hit you even if you never hit or targetted it yourself. a:cast doesn't have this behaviour with monsters.

Why is this an issue? If you use gearswap strings in pvp and a monster hits you in multy (or pjs you in singles) no matter how much you click your pvp target, a:last will ALWAYS attempt to attack the npc that attacked you. Not only does this make you look like a cheater, but it can also be extremely infuriating. Simply killing the monster doesn't help either, as it respawning will make you just do the same thing again.

This has been an issue for the past 2 months I'd say.