GantMan / ReactNativeGraphQLExample

I said I'd make it. Here's my GraphQL React Native Example
MIT License
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Code or Shame? #1

Open berzniz opened 7 years ago

berzniz commented 7 years ago

"I’m going to build a React Native app that communicates with Github GraphQL because of this talk. To prove that I’m not going to back out, I immediately created the repo. Let it be filled; either with code or shame!" -

GantMan commented 7 years ago

hahahaha, you're right!

To be fair I did just finish this:

But alas! I'm going to prepare for Chain React conf, and when I return this will be front and center!!! :)

Thanks for the push! I needed it!

berzniz commented 7 years ago

I was just kidding :) Thanks for sharing all the info and nice app

GantMan commented 7 years ago

Kidding aside! I will make this app happen! I appreciate the boost 👍