Open poPaTheGuru opened 1 year ago
Hi I am facing the same issue. Is there any update on this?
@poPaTheGuru Did you find a fix?
Hello @arpansharma7474 , we did not find a fix yet, but at this moment, the pen test team categorized this issue just as informational so we are waiting for any updates from the jail-monkey team
Any updates in this topic?
We also had our pentest team bypass using Frida, Did anybody find any solution, Thanks
Hi Team,
Do we have any progress here ?
Many thanks Pradeep
Ended up going with
Hi @sumi-svmx How did you implement this in React native?
Copy the code from c directory from to your project. Add this to app build.gradle
externalNativeBuild {
cmake {
path "src/main/c/CMakeLists.txt"
version "3.10.2"
Modify void detectfrida()
as JNI method
Java_com_example_package_FridaDetectClass_fridaDetect(JNIEnv *env, jobject thiz, jobject listener) {
char *filePaths[NUM_LIBS];
for (int i = 0; i < NUM_LIBS; i++) {
bool checksum = fetch_checksum_of_library(filePaths[i], &elfSectionArr[i]);
if ((filePaths[i] != NULL) && checksum){
(*env)->GetJavaVM(env, &g_VM);
jobject callback = (*env)->NewGlobalRef(env, listener);
pthread_t t;
pthread_create(&t, NULL, (void *) detect_frida_loop, callback);
Wherever "..Act Now
" is, replace it with code to return the value. Invoke the listener on java side in MainActivity
Thanks so much @sumi-svmx , but Where do I change the detectfrida function? I can see that function in native-lib.c, Should I change there?
Could you share a sample repo of the integration if you don't mind?
Can someone explain this . I am also facing the same
Hi, I facing this issue. I tried to replace by Google Play Integrity API and it worked perfect. I think this's the best solution to check rooted device Android
Please use below library to detect Frida and avoid frida to bypass root checks
If you find this library helpful, please consider giving it a star :star:
@mvn-cuongle-dn @GaneshGK34 @pradsirwt
We are working on a react native app that uses
"jail-monkey": "^2.7.0",
and at the initialisation of the app we check if the device is jail broken or in case there are any hooking methods attached to our app withJailMonkey.hookDetected() || JailMonkey.isJailBroken()
so we can throw a warning message to the user, but the problem is that just by doing that, a pentest team achieved to use the Android app without getting the warning message using Frida.My question: should we add something else beside that? Is there any known issue where Frida can penetrate these methods?
Thank you for your time!