Gapminder / tools-page

Gapminder tools page vanilla
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Destructing a marker results in error #194

Closed angiehjort closed 3 years ago

angiehjort commented 3 years ago

Switch from one tool to another on tools page and then to the third tool before the second one loads (double click a card at the bottom like a boomer)

error: Cannot read property 'keys' of undefined at findConceptForSpace


resolveRef( ref: {transform: "entityConceptSkipFilter", model: "markers.mountain.encoding.color"}

transformModel(): = concept: "world_4region" space: ["country"]

findConceptForSpace() const filteredConcepts = [...availability.keyValueLookup.get(createKeyStr(space)).keys()]

space = ["country"] availability.keyValueLookup = Map(0)

jheeffer commented 3 years ago

Probably fixed with and

You can probably safely remove the call to marker.destruct from tool code to clean it up.