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Income mountain #40

Closed Falnesio closed 6 years ago

Falnesio commented 6 years ago

Hello, thank you all for these wonderful tools.

Is there a way to stack the countries based on the mean income?$chart-type=mountain

angiehjort commented 6 years ago

thanks for the kind words, @Falnesio!

the countries are stacked in a 2-level method: first they are grouped by a certain classification, which matches with color. so when you for example select color --> categories --> 6 world region, you will get them re-grouped

within each group the slices are sorted by their size (confusingly called axis_y here), which maps to population

by changing axis_y to axis_x you should get sorting by mean income

if you have skills in code you can do it yourself and use the modified tool for free, non-commercially and commercially according to the license.

however we aren't planning to add this as a feature in any of our live products hope this helps
