Garfield-kh / PoseTriplet

[CVPR 2022] PoseTriplet: Co-evolving 3D Human Pose Estimation, Imitation, and Hallucination under Self-supervision (Oral)
MIT License
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3DHP and 3DPWD dataset preprocessing #34

Closed wd-hub closed 7 months ago

wd-hub commented 1 year ago

Thanks for your wonderful work, I came up with the data problem when training estimator: './data_cross/3dhp/3dhp_testset_bySub.pkl' and './data_cross/3dpw/3dpw_testset_bySub.pkl' is not exist, how can I get the two files? Looking forward for your replay, thanks.

Garfield-kh commented 1 year ago

Hi, thank you for the interest and sorry for the late reply. I found that this was mentioned in previous issue 17. Hope it helps.

wd-hub commented 1 year ago

Thanks a lot for your reply! Another question: I trained the imitator following the given steps and tested it with some wild videos. It works well in most cases, but could not imitate the jumping motion. Is it due to the lack of jumping training data? Or some further modifications required for jumping imitation. Thanks!

Garfield-kh commented 1 year ago

Hi, in the pose to bvh conversion code , I made the lowerest point as ground for every frame. You may change here (e.g., use the lowerest point of the whole motion sequence as ground) to get the jump action.