GarlandZhang / hairy_gan

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custom hair colour #6

Open GarlandZhang opened 4 years ago

GarlandZhang commented 4 years ago

We will try different hair colours

Our first approach is to use computer vision to color the hair directly via some noise.

Our second approach is to use a hair color recognizer and create a GAN to take a hair image and convert to the desired color. We verify using the recognizer. Loss will simply just be binary_crossentropy (check colors are same).

GarlandZhang commented 4 years ago

hair segmentation => style transfer => overlay

GarlandZhang commented 4 years ago
  1. Hair segmentation:
GarlandZhang commented 4 years ago
  1. style transfer: use neural style transfer to incorporate the style image into content image (for now we'll keep it simple and just test with colours).