Garlov / AutoRhythm

Open source rhythm game with auto generated note maps.
MIT License
22 stars 6 forks source link

Hey there -- question for the developers! (how to convert this to a one-key rhythm game?) #35

Open ajroberts0417 opened 2 years ago

ajroberts0417 commented 2 years ago

Hey, I was just wondering, if I wanted to convert this project into a one-key rhythm game focused on the main beats of the song (presumably these can be detected somewhat easily, as they're often high amplitude, low frequency, + consistent in rhythm)?

How would I go about doing so? Any tips for parsing through and extending the code here? Thanks for any and all advice you're able to give -- even just pointing me in the right direction for which functions I should be extending would be great.

Garlov commented 2 years ago

Hei, thanks for the interest in the game! I haven't looked at this project in a while, but we're planning on picking up the development again asap. And I'll see if I can find a solution for you. The easiest would be to just remove all but one trigger, but that's not really the best solution. The best would be to change the generation of the notemap to only create one lane as well. This would be a nice addition to the game. To have a config to select 1-8 lanes/triggers for example