Garr-Garr / OctoPrint-InternalSlicer

A full-blown GUI-based slicer plugin for OctoPrint
MIT License
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"Import Profile" ignores LulzBot profile Identifier and Name (and probably Description) #3

Open b-morgan opened 3 months ago

b-morgan commented 3 months ago

I have a LulzBot TAZ 6 printer configured in PrusaSlicer and executed an Export, Config, and saved the file as config.ini (included in .zip below).

I then clicked Import Profile..., browsed to the file on my desktop, and entered an Identifier and Name (I left the Description blank). After clicking Confirm the imported config was identified as config and named config. I believe that the Identifier and Name should have come from the Import Profile... values.


 OctoPrint 1.10.0rc3 Python 3.9.2 OctoPi* 1.0.0cam (build 2023.07.20.144556)
b-morgan commented 3 months ago

This install is on an RPi 4B which does not normally have my printer attached. The printer is normally attached to an RPi 3B running OctoPi 0.18.0 and OctoPrint 1.10.0rc3.