This weekend, you will pair up in groups of 2 to create a "Now Playing in Theatres" website. This will use an API, and few pages to display what is currently showing.
You will have to create an account to get a key, Feel free to use the address and phone number of campus to sign up with
Work in groups of 2, these must be decided by the time you leave today
Each group will be working on one repository, decide in each group who's account it goes under
Use React Router to create the pages.
Explorer Mode
[x] Create a home page that has:
[x] the list of all "now showing" movies, returned from this API<<your key here>>>&language=en-US&page=1
[x] this page should also random highlight a random "now showing" movie at the top of the page
[x] Create a /Movie/:moveidId page that shows all the details for a given movie and the cast of the movie. The cast end point is<<<Movie Id>>>/credits?api_key=<<your key here>>>
[x] Each member of the group must still submit the repository for their assignment. This repository should have commits from both students.
Adventure Mode
[ ] Add a page to view all the movies for actor. This page should show as much as you get from the API about this actor. HINT: Use the People section of the API for this
Epic Mode
[ ] Do the same thing, except with TV Shows. Try to reuse as many components as possible
Recommended Practice:
Plan early and communicate! The most successful teams work together to create a plan of attack, and communicate what is going on
Wireframe out the pages first, that way each member of the group knows the end goal. After you agree on the wireframes, Stick to the wireframes.
Work in branches or forks. This will help when you need to merge everything together
Like making a git commit, merging & pulling should happen frequently. Do not wait until Monday night to try to merge everything together
Let's all go to the movies
This weekend, you will pair up in groups of 2 to create a "Now Playing in Theatres" website. This will use an API, and few pages to display what is currently showing.
Explorer Mode<<your key here>>>&language=en-US&page=1
page that shows all the details for a given movie and the cast of the movie. The cast end point is<<<Movie Id>>>/credits?api_key=<<your key here>>>
Adventure Mode
section of the API for thisEpic Mode
Recommended Practice: