GarrettS / Singular-Health

Health Records Management Platform
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Digital Records Importing #4

Open GarrettS opened 2 weeks ago

GarrettS commented 2 weeks ago

Digital Records Importing

Problem: Need to import data from Epic, NextGen, etc.

ASTM E1384 defines standard practices for the content and structure of EHRs.

The problems and limitations of ASTM E1384 with porting patient data between EHR systems include Insufficient standardization, data inconsistencies, limited support for more advanced data models, limited scalability, and vendor lock-in.

Proposed Solution: Create a Vendor Adaptor.

The Records Adaptor reads data from other EHRs (Epic, NextGen, etc), feeds the data to one or more Data Adaptors, which use one or more Data Mappings to match our Models.

Our data must be modeled to balance congruence between user needs (core value) and existing systems' data and its limitations.