GarrickLin / Capsnet.Gluon

Capsule Net implementation in Gluon
10 stars 4 forks source link

How would you save the symbols file? #1

Open wmlba opened 6 years ago

wmlba commented 6 years ago

I am trying to use your network but I do not see how can I save the json symbol file so I can use the model.

You only save the params file but not the symbol file that is needed for predictions. When I try the below code: y = capsnet(mx.sym.var('data'))'%s/model.json' % model_dir) I get the error:

AttributeError: 'CapsNet' object has no attribute 'save'

QinZiwen commented 6 years ago
y = capsnet()
out = y(mx.sys.var('data))'model.json')
wmlba commented 6 years ago

@QinZiwen Thanks for your reply. I am still getting the same error: AttributeError: 'tuple' object has no attribute 'save'

My code is: net = capsnet() net.hybridize() out = net(mx.sym.var('data'))'%s/model-0000.json'% (model_dir))

GarrickLin commented 6 years ago

you can use capsnet.export

wmlba commented 6 years ago

@GarrickLin Thanks for your reply. it worked. Looks like the .export is introduced with MXNET version 0.12 and I had 0.11.

What's your take on the multiple gpu support for this net?

GarrickLin commented 6 years ago

it might be your mxnet version is low, you can update to a newer version

wmlba commented 6 years ago

@GarrickLin Sorry one more question: Since the model symbol is a group symbol, what is the best way to load it and use it for predictions? In other words, how can I load the saved model for individual files predictions

I am running something like: import mxnet as mx

capsnet, arg_params, aux_params = mx.model.load_checkpoint("capsnet",0) mod = mx.mod.Module(capsnet, data_names=['data0','data1'], label_names=['data0','data1']) mod.bind(for_training=False, data_shapes=[('data0',(80,1,28,28)),('data1',(80,1,28,28))]) mod.set_params(arg_params)

but it is not working. Error is: /Library/Python/2.7/site-packages/mxnet/module/ UserWarning: Data provided by label_shapes don't match names specified by label_names ([] vs. ['data0', 'data1']) warnings.warn(msg) [01:55:10] /Users/travis/build/dmlc/mxnet-distro/mxnet-build/dmlc-core/include/dmlc/logging.h:308: [01:55:10] src/operator/tensor/./matrix_op-inl.h:131: Check failed: d1 * d2 == static_cast(d0) (0 vs. 1) Split dims 10, 0 do not divide original dim 1

Stack trace returned 9 entries: [bt] (0) 0 0x00000001029d0b98 _ZN4dmlc15LogMessageFatalD2Ev + 40 [bt] (1) 1 0x00000001037dd528 _ZN5mxnet2op12ReshapeShapeERKN4nnvm9NodeAttrsEPNSt316vectorINS1_6TShapeENS5_9allocatorIS7EEEESB + 9112 [bt] (2) 2 0x000000010392fcaa _ZZN5mxnet4exec9InferAttrIN4nnvm6TShapeENSt318functionIFbRKNS2_9NodeAttrsEPNS4_6vectorIS3_NS4_9allocatorIS3_EEEESD_EEEZNS0_10InferShapeEONS2_5GraphEOSC_RKNS4_12basic_stringIcNS4_11char_traitsIcEENSA_IcEEEEE3$_0DnEESG_SH_T_PKcST_ST_ST_ST_T1_T2_bST_NS_12DispatchModeEENKUljbE_clEjb + 1978 [bt] (3) 3 0x00000001039285ee _ZN5mxnet4exec10InferShapeEON4nnvm5GraphEONSt316vectorINS1_6TShapeENS4_9allocatorIS6_EEEERKNS4_12basic_stringIcNS4_11char_traitsIcEENS7_IcEEEE + 4542 [bt] (4) 4 0x000000010391e046 _ZN5mxnet4exec13GraphExecutor4InitEN4nnvm6SymbolERKNS_7ContextERKNSt3__13mapINS7_12basic_stringIcNS7_11char_traitsIcEENS7_9allocatorIcEEEES4_NS7_4lessISE_EENSC_INS7_4pairIKSE_S4_EEEEEERKNS7_6vectorIS4_NSC_IS4_EEEESS_SS_RKNS7_13unordered_mapISE_NS2_6TShapeENS7_4hashISE_EENS7_8equal_toISE_EENSC_INSH_ISI_SU_EEEEEERKNST_ISE_iSW_SY_NSC_INSH_ISI_iEEEEEES18_RKNSO_INS_9OpReqTypeENSC_IS19_EEEERKNS7_13unordered_setISE_SW_SY_NSC_ISE_EEEEPNSO_INS_7NDArrayENSC_IS1J_EEEES1M_S1M_PNST_ISE_S1J_SW_SY_NSC_INSH_ISI_S1J_EEEEEEPNS_8ExecutorERKNST_INS2_9NodeEntryES1J_NS2_13NodeEntryHashENS2_14NodeEntryEqualENSC_INSH_IKS1T_S1J_EEEEEE + 1030 [bt] (5) 5 0x00000001039205e6 _ZN5mxnet8Executor10SimpleBindEN4nnvm6SymbolERKNS_7ContextERKNSt313mapINS6_12basic_stringIcNS6_11char_traitsIcEENS6_9allocatorIcEEEES3_NS6_4lessISD_EENSB_INS6_4pairIKSD_S3_EEEEEERKNS6_6vectorIS3_NSB_IS3_EEEESR_SR_RKNS6_13unordered_mapISD_NS1_6TShapeENS6_4hashISD_EENS6_8equal_toISD_EENSB_INSG_ISH_ST_EEEEEERKNSS_ISD_iSV_SX_NSB_INSG_ISH_iEEEEEES17_RKNSN_INS_9OpReqTypeENSB_IS18_EEEERKNS6_13unordered_setISD_SV_SX_NSB_ISD_EEEEPNSN_INS_7NDArrayENSB_IS1I_EEEES1L_S1L_PNSS_ISD_S1I_SV_SX_NSB_INSG_ISH_S1IEEEEEEPS0 + 230 [bt] (6) 6 0x00000001038c38a6 MXExecutorSimpleBind + 8038 [bt] (7) 7 libffi.dylib 0x00007fff6de34f64 ffi_call_unix64 + 76 [bt] (8) 8 ??? 0x00007ffeedf52280 0x0 + 140732890686080

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