Garsondee / pf2e-roll-manager

A module for making group rolls easier in PF2E
MIT License
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Massive UI Improvement Concept #51

Open Garsondee opened 4 months ago

Garsondee commented 4 months ago
          @Garsondee Well, good sir, that's something I can help with! I'm a solution architect in my day job, so collaborating on the design and UX of things for programmers to make manifest IS something I can do. :)

Snapshot Here's a quick wireframe I threw together in Balsamiq. It's rough, but I think it covers some big ideas and current layout challenges.

Like I said, the central design approach you present is great - it's quick, graphic, and self-explanatory. I knew how to use it just by looking at it, from both the GM and Player sides. That's HUGE! Auto-closing the roll display that you introduced this past release nailed the only real pain point I had; the exit button was getting forgot by players and would cause it to get stuck if another roll request came through while it was still up...

The ambitiousness of the actions and search you included really inspired me as well, but this is a full vision concept that you're likely going to want to break apart into 3 or more milestones of functionality. Let me know if you have any questions! I am doing a bit more research before I tackle the follow the expert impacts, if any, to this.

Note: The Untrained --> Master buttons would all have the names on them. I got sloppy with it. :) Basically the idea is whatever adjustment "DC range increments" are being shown would have the name and number on each button. It would be more compact to leave just the number or just the word, but for me this is one of the key examples of how your design made it so accessible to me as a new GM. It's enough to help, but it really doesn't take up enough space where I'm mad at it being there as I get comfortable with it.

Maybe settings to hide the title / number down the road because not everyone will be happy, but as-is for defaults for sure imo.

Note 2: The All button toggles between Select all if 0 to all but one characters (N-1) are selected, and Clear All if all characters (N) is selected

Originally posted by @Truncated in

Asurasan11 commented 3 months ago

Hey guys, I really like this module, but I'd also like to add some UX related requests. Rarely a session goes by without me referencing the Level Based DC chart ( and the basic DC chart.

Is there any way the UI could be enhanced to include some ability to pick DC by level(Or add some detents to the DC adjustment slider bar for quick reference?). What you've done with the Basic DC's is really nice and easy to use, and something like that to roll up the level/spell rank DC's into referenceable or selectable elements would be awesome and essentially avoid the need for a GM to cross reference that chart entirely during play.