GarthTheChicken / Sublime-Text-3-Arc-Dark-theme

Arc Dark theme for Sublime Text 3
34 stars 7 forks source link

color scheme #1

Open aq2 opened 8 years ago

aq2 commented 8 years ago

Hi - luvving this theme!

there are two things i don't understand though, 1 - why do the instructions tell me to use the linter colour scheme, rather than the Arc? 2 - why is sidebar a different colour?

GarthTheChicken commented 8 years ago

I'm glad you like it.

  1. When I selected the theme colour that's what ended up being written to my prefs file but as long as you can see it and select it from Preferences > Color Scheme then it'll be ok. You can also use other colour schemes so don't feel you have to use mine although you will have to tweak the background colour in the scheme if you still want that to be the same colour.
  2. Which build are you using? I'm still using build 3103 so it's possible that something has changed e.g. the sidebar class has been renamed. ST has been nagging me for an update but I haven't as yet.

I'm also still running GTK 3.16 but I don't think that would be the issue as the sidebar colouring is controlled by the sidebar class in the theme file.

I'll have more time to look into it next week if that's ok.

natanfelles commented 7 years ago

Hello: #2

"theme": "Arc-Dark-Master.sublime-theme",
"color_scheme": "Packages/User/Arc-Dark/schemes/Arc.tmTheme",

It works for me.

Sublime Text + Arc Theme