Garux / netradiant-custom

The open-source, cross-platform level editor for id Tech based games.
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Arbitrary Rotations needs more than 2dp precision or cracks appear #12

Closed jsbaboon closed 6 years ago

jsbaboon commented 6 years ago

I'm so happy to discover this custom radiant (2018-05-16 v3.1.0 build Solved major texture mapping issues and bug/crashes from Ingars radiant, but was so disappointed to find all in vain since I need more than f.xx Arbitrary Rotations precision for my precision geometrical maps. This was never an issue before. Please recompile a version that allows greater precision ( at the VERY least). I would if do it myself if I could. This would then be the perfect mapping program. Thanks for the good work!

Garux commented 6 years ago

Hey, there is a trick to get full precision: using Enter key to apply rotation :)
Thanks for the notice, now ic the reason of behavior change, this fix: * Rotate dialog: fix: new value in focused field wasn't taking in account on Enter
I'll check what would be possible to do to get both candies

Garux commented 6 years ago

This solves button case for me: