Garux / netradiant-custom

The open-source, cross-platform level editor for id Tech based games.
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(feature request) more choices for the location of the .ent file #135

Open Kinnuu opened 1 year ago

Kinnuu commented 1 year ago

Currently I have to store my entity definitions file deep inside the folder structure of the NetRadiant Custom install. This isn't particularly convenient, since it's not just that one install of NRC that might want to use my ent file. I would prefer NRC to search for the ent files in other folders if it can't find it in there.

If having an option to specify an explicit custom folder for the ent file is a step too far, what about something like...

Let's say my mod is called "mymod" Currently, NRC only tries to use the ent file in (e.g.) C:\netradiant\netradiant-custom-win64\netradiant-custom-20210105\\mymod

I would suggest if it cannot find it there, look for it in [Engine Path]\mymod

..and then if it cannot find it there, look for it in [Extra Resource Path]\mymod

Obviously this is just a suggestion and there's a million other ways of doing this, but essentially I just want to be able to keep my ent file in a folder of my own choosing, since I have quite a few other tools that use it.

Garux commented 1 year ago

Old way (1.4) of ent defs storing in radiant was in mod/scripts/, which wasn't robust to random entdef file drops. I think having customization of each entdef file path would be nice, also control of the entdef loading order, as atm it follows implicit rules.