Garux / netradiant-custom

The open-source, cross-platform level editor for id Tech based games.
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No textures on Debian #158

Closed jberli closed 1 year ago

jberli commented 1 year ago


I'm trying to set up netradiant custom for Urban Terror mapping. I downloaded the latest release. Netradiant is located in ~/.local/bin/netradiant-custom/ I pointed netradiant to my Urban Terror location which is ~/.local/games/UrbanTerror43-Mapping/

I added my shader in the shaderlist.txt. Netradiant finds the .shader file and load the shaders fine. The problem is that it can't find the actual textures, although I put all my textures in ~/.local/games/UrbanTerror43-Mapping/q3ut4/textures/

On startup, the console returns Texture load failed: "textures/" when I draw a brush, I don't even have the caulk texture... Any idea what I'm doing wrong here ?

Garux commented 1 year ago

We have had this. ldd confirmed no linking (.8 is now unavailable on fedora and debian fyi - zdoom has same dep issue). compiling from source solved issue is radiant's module and it fails to load. Release & dev builds are built on Ubuntu.

jberli commented 1 year ago

Oh thank you, so I need to compile netradiant from source, got it.

jberli commented 1 year ago

Using Debian testing, currently Debian 13 codename 'Trixie', it worked great compiling from source. I had to install the following dependencies:


Had to copy/paste UrT gamepack files as well and everything works great now ! Thanks, I'll close the issue