Garux / netradiant-custom

The open-source, cross-platform level editor for id Tech based games.
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Assertion failure saving while using relative path #164

Open CansecoDev opened 5 months ago

CansecoDev commented 5 months ago


Description: Saving while using a relative path for the gamedata shows this error dialog, the map saves without any noticeable issue.


Reproduction steps:

ensiform commented 5 months ago

This error probably shouldn't happen but I think the absolute path should be entered instead of relying on the relative path since it deals with passing off the path you give to other external tools.

Garux commented 5 months ago

I highly doubt that tools were built with relative engine path in mind. One obvious flaw shall be with CWD != binary folder. Can remove the assert, if everything else file dialog related works for you. Unsure what's the assert point was originally: Gtk file chooser requirement or guard user code from using non absolute path.