Garux / netradiant-custom

The open-source, cross-platform level editor for id Tech based games.
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Feature request - COD1\2\4\ World at War\BO3 map import\export. #31

Closed RaGe742004 closed 4 years ago

RaGe742004 commented 4 years ago

Hi, this is a feature request as cod1\2\4\waw\BO3 does not have OBJ export functionality and I feel that this version of Radiant is far superior to these older versions in many ways. I'd rather make a level in this version then export to the other radiants for compiling. I can supply brushes\meshes\patches etc if you want to accept this as an incorportated feature in a future release. thanks :)

Garux commented 4 years ago

Do you want to code this or to supply example primitives? I'v got cod4 tools installed here and checked some maps. Mapformat import/export routines are modular and extensible, plus brush data looks familiar, so adding brushes must be simple and clean. Curves and meshes look way different, and, i believe, their functionality and limits differ too, so this would likely require coding new primitive types or extending existing patch primitive. One more question is how usable this would be w/o packages/textures/models support. After trying cod4 radiant i can say, that this netradiant is notably smoother editing-wise, but cod's one stong side is support of all those engine specific things and flags; also layers and realtime lighting preview out of common things. Overall good support of cod feels like quite massive business.

RaGe742004 commented 4 years ago

I'm not a coder by any means, so all I could provide examples of each radiants' version of a specific thing (brush, cylinder, curves, meshes) and provide testing. What i've tried to do (unscuccessfully) is be able to make a prefab (like a building structure) in one of the radiants, and export it to OBJ. Reasons for this is for extra fine detailing with Maya and substance painter, then re-exporting to XMODEL_EXPORT on completion. In the old COD series' the entire map was made almost entirely with quake3\4\halflife 2, but newer (BO3+) is made with minimal brushes and almost everything else is models. This allows us (in theory) to make an entire map in Maya or 3DSMax and export everything as a series of models, with finer detailing to be completed in Radiant. As for the more engine specifics, most of it now is just a tagged location box which the engine replaces at compilation. This is true for sound locations, FX locations, Model Locations, prefab locations. The different type of Volumes and Umbra are just a textured box (sky hollowed of course), which the engine also replaces at compilation. Yes, this is probably a large undertaking, and perhaps I'm thinking of doing this incorrectly. I really do like netradiant far more than cod4\world at war radiants, but perhaps the effort required to code this with no real payoff to the community except a few of us probably wouldn't be worth your time. I'll approach this a different way, and create the prefabs in Maya instead, so thanks for the consideration and the response 👍 Well done on this version of Radiant, keep up the good work :)