Garux / netradiant-custom

The open-source, cross-platform level editor for id Tech based games.
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Behaviour request: Deselect objects when changing editing mode #73

Closed germangar closed 3 years ago

germangar commented 3 years ago

When changing from object mode to face/edge/vertex mode the former mode selection remains selected. It is a bit annoying when you forget to deselect before changing because you can end up with both the brush and a face/etc selected so you have to deselect all. It's a minor thing, but it would feel better if changed.

I don't think there is any use for having hybrid selections? I've never had a need for it, at least.

It probably shouldn't deselect right at changing, but at selecting the first thing in the new mode.

Garux commented 3 years ago

Unsure if i follow, it's designed to only edit components of selected objects. You can't even enter component mode w/o object selection, deselection disables component mode automatically too.