Garux / netradiant-custom

The open-source, cross-platform level editor for id Tech based games.
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Crashing on maximise/resize window (latest alpha) #88

Closed LDAsh72 closed 1 year ago

LDAsh72 commented 2 years ago

The program itself seems to work fine after launching, I can drag brushes and load maps, etc, but it crashes when trying to maximise or resize. Minimising is fine, moving the window is fine, and resizing other things like surface inspector is fine. It also crashes when changing the theme, so maybe a GTK issue? Previous (20210105) version works fine. Running Windows 7 64bit on a Lenovo Thinkpad X200 Tablet. . . .

Garux commented 2 years ago

You imply Development Build i guess. Got no named problems here @ win10. Probably newer gtk version + older win is the problem. This is up-to-date build with libs, used in release (older):

LDAsh72 commented 2 years ago

Fair enough, if you're making a deliberate decision to not support anything lower than Win10. It is that season. I suppose I could get it maximised and set the theme by poking around its config files, local.pref? I'm sure I can get around it that way and still enjoy your efforts.

Garux commented 2 years ago

The other guy got crash of Development Build on choosing specific theme @ win10, i have no either of issues @ win10. This is not decision to only support win10+, looks sooner like problems with gtk version, used in github's autobuild. You can tweak theme and maximization via configs, but i suspect there will be more problems with this build, so i suggest to try linked wip build instead. Gonna stick to gtk version, used there, for releases, as it's known as working

Garux commented 2 years ago

Wasn't there anything in radiant.log before crash? (to not accuse gtk version blindly)

LDAsh72 commented 2 years ago

Good call. I don't think so:-

Garux commented 1 year ago

This must have been changed in Qt, autobuilds look more decent too.