Garux / netradiant-custom

The open-source, cross-platform level editor for id Tech based games.
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Expected behavior regarding brush solidity #90

Closed decldev closed 1 year ago

decldev commented 2 years ago

Having one side of a brush painted with nodrawnonsolid makes whole brush nonsolid. This does not happen in official netradiant release.

Which one is correct?

ensiform commented 2 years ago

That is the intended behavior, you can't make a brush partially solid

ensiform commented 2 years ago

Older versions of radiant mainly gtk and I don't know about the non custom netradiant, but GTK saves faces at random and q3map2 in those versions only look at the first face for the brush surface.

decldev commented 2 years ago

Older versions of radiant mainly gtk and I don't know about the non custom netradiant, but GTK saves faces at random and q3map2 in those versions only look at the first face for the brush surface.

This might be it then. Official Xonotic maps have grating's sides painted with nodrawnonsolid and I dropped through when I built them with netradiant-custom.

ensiform commented 2 years ago

The correct thing would be to use a matching solid invisible/common shader. Not nonsolid

Garux commented 2 years ago

To add, inconsistent behavior on contentparms mixture is fixed here. Defaulting to solid looks like best option in the first glance, however preferring something else gives powerful opportunity to alter content w/o creating extra shader just for this, which people like; also imagine result of using e.g. caulk (possibly occasional) on nonsolid/playerclip/water/fog brush then.