Garux / netradiant-custom

The open-source, cross-platform level editor for id Tech based games.
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Neverball map completely empty after compiling #95

Closed Droooga closed 2 years ago

Droooga commented 2 years ago

it saves the .map alright but the .sol contains no map data. i didn't have these issues in illwieckz's netradiant build though

Garux commented 2 years ago

Where does it come from? I vaguely recall something about .sol, but can't find related code in netradiant. Gamepack is equal to NR, must be running the same custom tools.

Droooga commented 2 years ago

the mapc compiler that comes with neverball compiles the .map file to a .sol file, not sure if its mapc having the wrong syntax or radiant itself. i've also noticed that when mapc compiles the map, mapc doesn't find any mtrl, vertices, edges or even sides in the level, but it does find lumps, nodes, bodies and chars.

Garux commented 2 years ago

My assumption here is that mapc doesn't support BP map format, which is default in NRC. Where to alter it and where current map format is shown: image

Droooga commented 2 years ago

oh, it works now. thanks a lot!