Gary-code / KECVQG

[ACM MM 2023] The released code of paper "Deconfounded Visual Question Generation with Causal Inference"
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视觉confounder构建 #1

Open darwann opened 8 months ago

darwann commented 8 months ago

您好!我看您文章里面是用每种object的RoI特征均值当作视觉confounder,这里我想请教下您实验中对应COCO数据集中的Faster R-CNN特征是已经预训练直接拿来用的吗,还是需要自己重新训练一个Faster R-CNN模型去提取特征呀

Gary-code commented 8 months ago

We directly use the pre-trained Faster R-CNN features of the coco dataset to construct the confounder, which can be found in link

darwann commented 8 months ago


Gary-code commented 8 months ago

We use the pre-trained model in link to extract the visual features and all feature's dimension is 2048.

darwann commented 8 months ago

Thanks a lot. Will you disclose the data you used in your experiments, such as the vision confounder dictionary?