GaryBAYLOR / R-code

A collection of algorithms written by myself for solving statistical problems
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First JAGS model in R #20

Open GaryBAYLOR opened 8 years ago

GaryBAYLOR commented 8 years ago

The JAGS can perform MCMC and R package rjags can be used to access JAGS in R. The process is pretty easy. First we write the model file in R (the file can be in .R format), save the file. Then invoke the model using function in the package 'rjags'. The following is an easy example. Step 1. Save the following code with name "myFirstJags.R".

model {
  for(i in 1:J) {
    y[i] ~ dbin(theta[i], 100)
    theta[i] ~ dbeta(alpha, beta)
  alpha ~ dgamma(1, 1)
  beta ~ dgamma(1, 1)

Step 2. Run the following code.

theta <- rbeta(10, 1, 5)
y <- rbinom(10, 100, theta)

jagresult <- jags.model("myFirstJags.R", data = list("y" = y, "J" = 10), n.adapt = 1000)
thesamps <- coda.samples(jagresult, c("alpha", "beta"), n.iter = 10000, thin = 1, = "gui")

We can use plot function to get the graph of alpha and beta.


We will get the following plot. image

But sadly, as I know, JAGS cannot use improper prior!

GaryBAYLOR commented 8 years ago

Now we can compare the results by running JAGS and that by running Metropolis Hasting algorithm from scratch. The following is the result by running MH algorithm. image We can see that the two methods give us very close results. The code for MH algorithm for this example is as follows.

theta<-rbeta(10, 1, 5)
y <- rbinom(10, 100, theta)
n <- 100
J <- 10


log.prior <- function(alpha,beta) {
  {-2.5}*log(alpha + beta)

draw.thetas <- function(alpha,beta) {

draw.alpha <- function(alpha,beta,theta, { <- rnorm(1,alpha,
  num <- J*(lgamma( - lgamma( +*sum(log(theta)) + log(dgamma(, 1, 1))
  den <- J*(lgamma(alpha+beta)      - lgamma(alpha)) +
    alpha     *sum(log(theta)) + log(dgamma(alpha, 1, 1))
# print(c(alpha,,num,den))
  acc <- ifelse((log(runif(1))<=num - den)&&(>0),1,0)
  alpha.acc <<- alpha.acc + acc

draw.beta <- function(alpha,beta,theta, { <- rnorm(1,beta,
  num <- J*(lgamma( - lgamma( +*sum(log(1-theta)) + log(dgamma(,1, 1))
  den <- J*(lgamma(alpha+beta)      - lgamma(beta)) +
    beta     *sum(log(1-theta)) + log(dgamma(beta, 1, 1))
# print(c(beta,,num,den))
  acc <- ifelse((log(runif(1))<=num - den)&&(>0),1,0)
  beta.acc <<- beta.acc + acc



B <- 100
M <- 10000

MM <- B + M

alpha <- numeric(MM)
beta <- alpha
theta <- matrix(NA,nrow=MM,ncol=J)

# Metropolis tuning parameters <-  0.25 <-   3

# Initial values for the chain
alpha[1] <- 1
beta[1] <- 1
theta[1,] <- draw.thetas(alpha[1],beta[1]) # or theta[1,] <- (y+.5/(n+.5)

# Monitor acceptance frequency
alpha.acc <- 0
beta.acc <- 0

# MCMC simulation
for (m in 2:MM) {
  alpha[m] <- draw.alpha(alpha[m-1],beta[m-1],theta[m-1,],
  beta[m] <- draw.beta(alpha[m],beta[m-1],theta[m-1,],
  theta[m,] <- draw.thetas(alpha[m],beta[m])

good <- (B+1):MM

alpha.mcmc <- alpha[good]
beta.mcmc <- beta[good]
theta.mcmc <- theta[good,]

plot(alpha.mcmc,type="l", main = "Trace of alpha")
plot(density(alpha.mcmc), type = "l", main = "density of alpha")
plot(beta.mcmc,type="l", main = "Trace of beta")
plot(density(beta.mcmc), type = "l", main = "density of beta")