[x] Add allauth URLS to the urls.py in the project directory.
[x] Add allauth apps to installed apps in the settings.py file
[x] Add site id and redirection URLS to settings.py.
[x] Migrate changes to database, including a plan check (--plan).
[x] Wire up nav bar link in base template for signup
[x] Copy allauth template files to the project template folder so they can be modified.
[x] Modify allauth template for sign up so that it suits out websites needs.
[x] Use allauth user_signed_up signal or Django's post_save signal to create a profile associated with the user when a new user is created. Ensure this is on delete cascade with user.
As a User I can sign up and create an account so that I can login to comment on posts, like posts and make bookings.
Acceptance Criteria: