GaryLazerFinz / ECE-411-Capstone-Practicum

Group 8's Practicum Repository
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Meeting times? #6

Open GaryLazerFinz opened 6 years ago

GaryLazerFinz commented 6 years ago

Ill be in the capstone lab tommorrow after noon. Can anyone else make it? Seems like tuesdays are a good time to meet.

Xiaoqiao6 commented 6 years ago

Ting and I have ECE481 from 2:00-3:50. We can meet you after class.

bornhor2 commented 6 years ago

I'm also in 481... but I have ECE545 at 4:40pm so I can only meet for a short time between 3:50 and 4:40 or after 6:30pm. I can also meet tomorrow (weds) around 2pm.

GaryLazerFinz commented 6 years ago

Ok 4 should be good. Capstone lab around 4. Ill be there.

ting6 commented 6 years ago

Xiaoqiao and I have arrived at the Capstone. We are sitting near the other door. which is in the side of clock.

bornhor2 commented 6 years ago

Sorry I didn't catch you. Was talking with my professor for a different class. I'll be there tomorrow around 2pm and same time on Thursday as today... I can also meet up before the 411 class on Thursday as well.

GaryLazerFinz commented 6 years ago

Sorry we missed you in the meeting. Things we discussed.

bornhor2 commented 6 years ago

How do you usually program the picaxe controller? The temp sensor just requires an analog input which I think the picaxe has. I have a battery supply for the arduino. Could probably drive the picaxe from the arduino if we are allowed to... but I think its better if we just use one microcontroller.

GaryLazerFinz commented 6 years ago

No need for two we can definitely use a single picaxe. The cable has some of the programming components in it. It takes two resistors and the ptogramming xable. I put a schematic in the wiki protothpe1

GaryLazerFinz commented 6 years ago

When should we meet next?

Xiaoqiao6 commented 6 years ago

I think we should meet on Tuesday or Wednesday. Ting and I are free on Wednesday. There is a homework which will be submitted on Thursday.

GaryLazerFinz commented 6 years ago

I have class 430 -630 pm on wed and 10-12 am on Tuesday. other then that i am free. Everyone needs to be there or i dont see the point in meeting. Ive added to the project requirements section of the wiki. Please write to it. We can just turn it in to D2L as well. This is a good chance to express what we would like our project to be.

bornhor2 commented 6 years ago

I have to work tomorrow until 1pm.. but I'll be downtown and can be to the EB by 1:30pm. I won't be available today until around 7pm.

bornhor2 commented 6 years ago

Tomorrow... Wednesday around 2pm? Does that work for everyone?

ting6 commented 6 years ago

Ok,let’s meet tomorrow around 2pm. That works for Xiaoqiao and me.

bornhor2 commented 6 years ago

What is the password for the 411 website? I cannot remember it. Mount..something

Xiaoqiao6 commented 6 years ago

password: ForbiddenPeak

GaryLazerFinz commented 6 years ago

Ok where ? Capstone lab?

bornhor2 commented 6 years ago


GaryLazerFinz commented 6 years ago

Next Meeting? Any suggestions ?

Xiaoqiao6 commented 6 years ago

Tomorrow after 2:00 pm is ok for Ting and me. Ting and I have some class problems, and we need to meet Dr. Don Duncan. I think that we have a Complete preliminary schematic which is needs to be done by Eagle.

bornhor2 commented 6 years ago

Same here. 2 is fine.

bornhor2 commented 6 years ago

I will be working on the Thursday homework tomorrow(Tuesday) after midterms... but that won't be until maybe 5-30pm.. but I should be on campus if anyone wants to go over what we should put on it.

GaryLazerFinz commented 6 years ago

I can work on it from home. I dont want to be downtown that late tomorrow.

Xiaoqiao6 commented 6 years ago

We are sorry that Ting and I need one more week for the programming. We have two midterm exams this week. Our exam will end on Thursday evening. We will finish the programming as soon as possible after the midterm. Sorry.....

GaryLazerFinz commented 6 years ago

i added some headers and the exact rubric wordings to our project schedule wiki. i guess we need to make this extremely accurate.

On 30 Oct 2017 19:33, "bornhor2" wrote:

I will be working on the Thursday homework tomorrow(Tuesday) after midterms... but that won't be until maybe 5-30pm.. but I should be on campus if anyone wants to go over what we should put on it.

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GaryLazerFinz commented 6 years ago

We can all work on the programming dont worry too much. we really need to get this homeeork near perfect.

On 30 Oct 2017 22:38, "Mitch Pyle" wrote:

i added some headers and the exact rubric wordings to our project schedule wiki. i guess we need to make this extremely accurate.

On 30 Oct 2017 19:33, "bornhor2" wrote:

I will be working on the Thursday homework tomorrow(Tuesday) after midterms... but that won't be until maybe 5-30pm.. but I should be on campus if anyone wants to go over what we should put on it.

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GaryLazerFinz commented 6 years ago

i started a schedule using Microsoft Smartsherts. Everyone please make up some tasks and dates.

On 30 Oct 2017 22:40, "Mitch Pyle" wrote:

We can all work on the programming dont worry too much. we really need to get this homeeork near perfect.

On 30 Oct 2017 22:38, "Mitch Pyle" wrote:

i added some headers and the exact rubric wordings to our project schedule wiki. i guess we need to make this extremely accurate.

On 30 Oct 2017 19:33, "bornhor2" wrote:

I will be working on the Thursday homework tomorrow(Tuesday) after midterms... but that won't be until maybe 5-30pm.. but I should be on campus if anyone wants to go over what we should put on it.

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bornhor2 commented 6 years ago

Ok I added a lot of stuff to the schedule. Please update or fix anything that you don't like. Is the schedule the only thing that we need to turn in?

bornhor2 commented 6 years ago

I randomly put names. We probably need code and document review. I'll add that too

GaryLazerFinz commented 6 years ago

its ok we are free to help out on any task anyway. They might read this. I think that we need to post the spreadsheet on our wiki. Im not 100 percent sure though. Ill work on it tomorrow. Thanks for adding so much.

On 31 Oct 2017 17:21, "bornhor2" wrote:

I randomly put names. We probably need code and document review. I'll add that too

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Xiaoqiao6 commented 6 years ago

emmmm.. I have looked the example which on the website.. There are titles with blod and many sub-title under it. Do we need to write it like the example? Such like... Test part -test fan -test program -test circuit -test.... We might need a better order....em...might......

bornhor2 commented 6 years ago

Just let me know if you have trouble uploading it to the wiki or to d2l

bornhor2 commented 6 years ago

Do we need to meet up tomorrow to do the homework for Thursday? The detailed design doesn't seem too complicated.. what about the practicum part? What do we need for the preliminary layout?

Xiaoqiao6 commented 6 years ago

Ting and I will be in the capstone lab tomorrow afternoon.

GaryLazerFinz commented 6 years ago

im not sure. i can be there.

On 7 Nov 2017 21:45, "Xiaoqiao6" wrote:

Ting and I will be in the capstone lab tomorrow afternoon.

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bornhor2 commented 6 years ago

I can be there in about an hour if that works.

GaryLazerFinz commented 6 years ago

Team meeting tomorrow. Last one when and where can we meet?

bornhor2 commented 6 years ago

I'll be there after 4 because of work. Stay as long as I need to. We don't need to work in the capstone lab to debug the fan. We can use the Techtronix lab since we just need a power supply to check proper current and voltage levels. Also work on the powerpoint

Xiaoqiao6 commented 6 years ago

Ting and I will show up tomorrow morning or afternoon in the Techtronix lab. Ting and I still have a research paper for ECE428 which will due on 6th noon 12 p.m., we will work on ECE411 in the afternoon after that.

GaryLazerFinz commented 6 years ago

ok ill be there

On 5 Dec 2017 17:00, "Xiaoqiao6" wrote:

Ting and I will show up tomorrow morning or afternoon in the Techtronix lab. Ting and I still have a research paper for ECE428 which will due on 6th noon 12 p.m., we will work on ECE411 in the afternoon after that.

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GaryLazerFinz commented 6 years ago

Lets meet in the room next to uts 210. We can work on the presentation.