Gathered user requirements, wrote stories, executed sprints, built, and deployed a cloud-based app composed of microservices with containerization, and used CI/CD tools to test and update it.
As a service provider
I need my service to run on Kubernetes
So that I can easily scale and manage the service
Kubernetes manifests will be created in yaml format
These manifests could be useful to create a CD pipeline
The actual deployment will be to OpenShift
Acceptance Criteria
Given the Kubernetes manifests have been created
When I use the oc command to apply the manifests
Then the service should be deployed and run in Kubernetes
As a service provider I need my service to run on Kubernetes So that I can easily scale and manage the service
Acceptance Criteria
Given the Kubernetes manifests have been created When I use the oc command to apply the manifests Then the service should be deployed and run in Kubernetes