GataNina-Li / GataBotV2

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error al escanear #73

Open daimoxd opened 2 years ago

daimoxd commented 2 years ago

me ha dado muchos error al escanear el codigo hasta instale linux para ver si termux era el problema y al parecer no el error es el siguiente WARN [2022-05-15 18:57:34.608 +0000] (4368): error in QR gen class: "Baileys" error: { "name": "BaileysError", "status": 429, "context": { "query": [ "admin", "Conn", "reref" ], "message": "Too Many Requests", "status": 429 } } WARN [2022-05-15 18:57:34.613 +0000] (4368): connect attempt 1 failed: Error: Unexpected status in 'admin': Too Many Requests(429), retrying... class: "Baileys" error: {} INFO [2022-05-15 18:57:39.746 +0000] (4368): connected to WhatsApp Web server, authenticating via takeover class: "Baileys" y se la pasa asi, alguna solucion?

daimoxd commented 2 years ago

tambien da este otro TypeError: Cannot read properties of undefined (reading 'toString') at WAConnection.base64EncodedAuthInfo (/home/linoj/Escritorio/GataBotV2/node_modules/@adiwajshing/baileys/lib/WAConnection/0.Base.js:126:42) at /home/linoj/Escritorio/GataBotV2/main.js:107:52 at process.processTicksAndRejections (node:internal/process/task_queues:95:5) unhandledRejection INFO [2022-05-15 18:55:09.398 +0000] (4368): closed connection, reason close, reconnecting in a few seconds... class: "Baileys" (node:4368) Warning: Setting the NODE_TLS_REJECT_UNAUTHORIZED environment variable to '0' makes TLS connections and HTTPS requests insecure by disabling certificate verification. (Use node --trace-warnings ... to show where the warning was created) INFO [2022-05-15 18:55:13.669 +0000] (4368): connected to WhatsApp Web server, authenticating via takeover class: "Baileys"

oddxnary commented 2 years ago

Me pasa lo mismo.

Deyner-Bot-MD commented 1 year ago
