Closed Notaduck closed 4 years ago
Hi. I just found this awesome looking plugin for gatsby and I tried to implement it. However I get the following error code:
ERROR #85920 GRAPHQL There was an error in your GraphQL query: Variable "$limit" of required type "Int!" was not provided. > 1 | query homedanielNextcloudPlaygrounddarkModeMinimalsrcpagesindexJs2053738550($skip: Int!, $limit: Int!) { | ^ 2 | allMarkdownRemark(sort: {order: DESC, fields: [frontmatter___date]}, skip: $skip, limit: $limit) { 3 | edges { 4 | node { 5 | excerpt 6 | frontmatter { 7 | date(formatString: "MMMM DD, YYYY") 8 | title 9 | slug 10 | } 11 | }
But I'm not entirely sure why it isn't being passed to the component (index.js).
full src:
Just forget about this, it was a mistake from my site.
Hi. I just found this awesome looking plugin for gatsby and I tried to implement it. However I get the following error code:
But I'm not entirely sure why it isn't being passed to the component (index.js).
full src: