Gauravsha / GauravFolio

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Covid Vaccination #1

Open Gauravsha opened 1 year ago

Gauravsha commented 1 year ago

SELECT * From PortfolioProject.CovidDeaths Where continent is not NULL order by 3, 4

--SELECT * --From PortfolioProject.CovidVaccinations --order by 3, 4

-- Select data that is going to be used

SELECT location, date, total_cases, new_cases, total_deaths, population From PortfolioProject..CovidDeaths Where continent is not NULL -- below query helps find objects in the database whose names we are not sure of. I wasn't sure if it is UnitedStates or United States. -- Where location like '%states' -- where location like 'india' order by 1, 2

-- Looking at Total Cases vs population -- shows what percentage of population got covid

SELECT location, date, population, total_cases, (total_cases/population)*100 as DeathPercentage From PortfolioProject..CovidDeaths where location like '%states%' and continent is not NULL

-- Looking at countries with highest infection rate compared to popultion

SELECT location, population, MAX(total_cases) as HighestInfectionCount, MAX((total_cases/population))*100 as PercentPopulationInfected From PortfolioProject..CovidDeaths -- where location like '%states%' Group by location, population -- order by 1, 2 order by PercentPopulationInfected desc

-- showing continent with highest death count per population

SELECT continent, MAX(cast(total_deaths as int)) as TotalDeathCount -- cast funcation converts a value of any type into a specific datatype From PortfolioProject.CovidDeaths -- where location like '%states%' Where continent is not NULL Group by continent order by TotalDeathCount desc


SELECT SUM(new_cases) as total_cases, SUM(cast(new_deaths as int)) as total_deaths, SUM(cast(new_deaths as int))/SUM(New_cases) * 100 as DeathPercentage From PortfolioProject..CovidDeaths Where continent is not NULL -- Group by date order by 1, 2


--SELECT location, total_cases, CONCAT(ROUND(total_cases/1000000, 2), ' Million') as Cases_more_1M --From PortfolioProject..CovidDeaths --WHERE location NOT LIKE '%world%' --and total_cases >= 1000000 ---- Group by date --order by total_cases desc

-- Looking at total population vs vaccinations

Select dea.continent, dea.location,, dea.population, dea.new_vaccinations , SUM(CONVERT(int, dea.new_vaccinations)) OVER(Partition by dea.Location Order by dea.location, dea.Date) as RollingPeopleVaccinated -- , (RollingPeopleVaccinated/population)*100

From PortfolioProject..CovidDeaths dea Join PortfolioProject..CovidVaccinations vac On dea.location = vac.location and = Where dea.continent is not NULL order by 1, 2, 3

With PopvsVac (Continent, Location, Date, Population, New_vaccinations, RollingPeopleVaccinated) as ( Select dea.continent, dea.location,, dea.population, vac.new_vaccinations , SUM(CONVERT(int, vac.new_vaccinations)) OVER(Partition by dea.Location Order by dea.location, dea.Date) as RollingPeopleVaccinated -- , (RollingPeopleVaccinated/population)*100

From PortfolioProject..CovidDeaths dea Join PortfolioProject..CovidVaccinations vac On dea.location = vac.location and = Where dea.continent is not NULL -- order by 2, 3 )

SELECT * From PopvsVac

Gauravsha commented 1 year ago

CovidDeaths.xlsx CovidVaccinations.xlsx